
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Life bursts forth!... Regardless of anything... life always prevails in the most miraculous ways!... and today I was reminded of this once again... During my Nature hike today, it felt SO NICE to not have to wear a scarf around my face, and to experience a day that feels more like Spring than Winter!... As I walked through the snowbound trails, I noticed the most amazing surprise... Despite having experienced the coldest Winter season in 100 years (with incessant storms every few … [Read more...]

♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Choice... We always have the ability to choose every single moment. It's easy to fall into unconscious patterns of choice... However, with awareness, we have the power to change life as we know it... A very simple example is how we react to our external world. When we choose a different reaction than what automatically comes up from conditioning, we suddenly change a pattern and THAT is a very powerful thing!... This can be applied to all situations in everyday life. Just one … [Read more...]

♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Wildlife's incredible hardiness... In central Canada, we're experiencing the second coldest winter in 120 years...! I certainly believe it, from the absolutely freezing cold temperatures that have lingered for over a month now... For example, -31 C (with the wind it feels like -41 C). What truly amazes me is that regardless of this deep freeze, I still have the pleasure of seeing Ravens, Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, Chickadees and Redpolls (like the one in the photo) flying and calling through … [Read more...]

♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Life, such a gift... We're so blessed to experience life in our physical bodies, here on such a magnificent planet, Mother Earth... To experience everything through our multi-dimensional senses, beyond just our physical senses... what a gift we have here on Earth... When I was a child, I spent as much time as I could outdoors in Nature... I loved to explore, observe, experience life with all my senses... When I couldn't go outdoors, I would spend hours just looking at books filled with … [Read more...]

♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

LIGHT force energy... I had an interesting realization this morning as I observed the radiant sun rising... While the amount of daylight has been reduced considerably in the northern hemisphere now, and the sun is at such a low angle above the horizon as it travels through the sky during the day... Our days are actually brighter than in summer!... The snow-covered landscape acts as a pure reflector of the sunlight, and its brilliant surface sparkles like millions of diamonds and stars. … [Read more...]

♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

This is so aligned with me and Sacred Earth Connection, I'm sharing it with you with so much love... Enjoy the breath-taking images and words of absolute wisdom...   With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]


Animal Spirit Guide messengers... When we become aware that life is fully aware of us at all times, we also receive messages from every possible source in our environments, whether natural or artificial... Animals of all types are messengers that show up at different times to guide us along our paths. They always show up in unusual or repetitive ways to allow us to recognize that they're not just another animal, but a messenger for us. Sometimes an animal we wouldn't think of suddenly … [Read more...]


Endless surprises of Nature!... Life truly delights in continuously surprising us with its wonders... I don't know about you, but the mushrooms known as 'puffballs' that I've seen are never larger than a golf ball. THIS one that I happened upon however... is GIANT!... It radiates its white colour in the sunlight like a beacon in the middle of the clearing where it grew. I couldn't help but exclaim wonder out loud. I never tire of discovering more of Nature's miracles... … [Read more...]


Life prevails against all odds in extraordinary ways... In Canada, and possibly in other countries that experience below freezing temperatures in the Winter season, certain species of butterflies known as "anglewings" (since they have particular angle-shaped wings) actually defy death by hibernating!... They are delicate butterflies like other species, yet they survive the harshest winters in their adult forms without dying. They find crevices to shelter themselves from the elements so … [Read more...]


The alchemical fires within and without... For ages, fire has been symbolic of inner purification, transformation, creative and sexual energies, passion and spiritual light. It's our life-force energy, as flames of one fire. It maintains our bodies, minds and spirits on all levels. In Nature it is a catalyst for rebirth, burning away what needs to be replaced with new, vibrant life. Some of the largest trees in the world have evolved with fire so that their bark can withstand the heat of … [Read more...]