When we're faced with what seems like adversity, it can be difficult to see any possible gifts within the situation! We feel like we've been catapulted outside of our comfort or security zones and we have no idea what the outcome will look like. It can test us on all levels and make us question everything. It's not easy to recognize that within the chaos, there is a reward - or many. What a reward looks like is unique to each of us, depending on our personal path. We all have … [Read more...]
The unexpected gift of an urban tree…
When we live from the heart, we have a higher appreciation ability. This greatly enhances all our experiences of life. Even when certain circumstances might not seem favourable, we're able to receive the gem within them or that emerges from them. Life is no longer just a series of "good" or "bad" experiences, but a journey of discoveries that teach us about ourselves, others and this amazing world we live in. Having an open heart allows us to make the most of any situation, so that … [Read more...]
Instead of feeling anger, let it fuel you!…
Anger is such a strong and potent emotion. When we feel anger towards another, it's like sending daggers of energy, laser-focused and tangible. When two people have been fighting in a room, or when there's been war on a specific space of land, we immediately feel it in our own energy bodies. It doesn't feel good to us. Imagine the power of using this anger energy in a beneficial way instead of a harmful or destructive way... I was hiking one of my favourite trails today by … [Read more...]
Nature’s lesson about flow instead of resistance…
When we're attuned to Nature with awareness, we notice the natural cycles of life as they unfold. The moon, the sun, the plants, the animals... they all speak to us and notify us of change. When we know the nuances of different environments, we can even tell when seasons are transitioning to another, regardless what month the calendar might say. Nature is ever-changing and doesn't follow the linear time that humans have created. It simply goes through its cycles and every year and … [Read more...]
Life lessons from ancient giants…
Many people feel wonder at the sight of a large and ancient tree, admiring his incredible size and beauty. His age sets him apart from the younger ones, for he displays so much character, serenity and strength. However, it's easy to disregard his very humble beginnings as a small seed. None of us can possibly imagine or know everything this giant went through to reach his impressive size and age, or to gain his great wisdom. Our own lifespans are but a fraction of this mighty being's. His … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sacred observations... When we take a pause of the continuous doing of life, and simply observe with wonder, curiosity and openness, we receive the wealth of reminders that Nature conveys to us... Taking this photograph for example, imagine yourself in that beautiful space... The breeze is caressing you and playing with your hair... The sun is kissing your skin... The air is scented with sunshine and ocean salt... The waves are rolling in and out as a sea turtle basks in the sunshine... … [Read more...]
Anything & Everything IS POSSIBLE!…
In addition to "Miracles Of The Day", I feel inspired to also share different teachings that Nature provides us, so that they may inspire you on your own unique journey of life, as they have inspired me on mine... They might also expand your own awareness of the lessons that Nature provides UNIQUELY TO YOU... This one comes to mind as Spring advances, since I always feel that seeing my first bumblebee is a SURE sign that Spring has arrived!... And I find them so endearing... From many … [Read more...]