Divine floral designs... Flowers are so much more than just a splash of colour on the landscape... They are delightful invitations of food for pollinators to assist with producing the next generation of blossoming plants... They are exquisite beauties of petals that reveal all colours of the rainbow and beyond... They are elixirs of delicious aromas that infuse our environment and being... They are glorious masterpieces of countless shapes, sizes, colour combinations, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The gift of sacred stewardship... As stewards of Mother Earth's beautiful landscapes and all who inhabit these environments, we never know what an impact a simple act of love can do for others that we co-exist with... It doesn't take much effort, yet the effect can be tremendous... When I lived in the city many years ago, I used native plants (plants indigenous to the environment of the area, like prairie and woodland plants) in the landscaping of the yard instead of exotics. I chose these … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Storms... I've always loved the intense energy of storms, especially thunderstorms... All storms, in their natural state, have a sacred purpose and are necessary to Mother Earth's well-being (and ours)... They play the important role of stirring up stagnant, heavy energy by clearing, purifying, recreating and energizing the landscape. In Nature the environment (including the air) feels more vibrant after a storm... Populated areas make things more complicated, however when storms … [Read more...]
The Divinely created glory of our natural environment on Mother Earth... It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful and diverse our glorious planet is with her environments... We live on such an exquisite tapestry of landscapes and waterscapes that weave seamlessly together and provide us with incredible support on so many levels, including energetically... Mountains, hills, cliffs, stone formations, valleys, abysses, fjords, oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, waterfalls, bogs, meadows, … [Read more...]
The profound energies of desert landscapes... While we all resonate differently to certain landscapes which can also change at different times in our lives, each landscape has its own specific energy that it emanates. I have yet to discover a landscape that energizes me more than the one of Sedona in Arizona. The desert environment with cacti and junipers, combined with the surrounding stone formations exudes and radiates such a profound energy. All deserts are highly purifying and … [Read more...]