Ancient wisdom that transcends time... Our ancestors had such an intimate connection with our natural world of Earth and Cosmos, Nature and Spirit... They had knowledge about countless sacred places of power on Mother Earth, some now known worldwide as vortexes, others simply marked by ancient ruins or places of worship... yet so many more exist quietly within Nature - treasures for those of us who discover them... When we connect with our own hearts and that of Gaia, we have access … [Read more...]
Your beautiful energy can change the world!
December 7, 2012 by 4 Comments
When we fully realize that WE ARE ALL ENERGY (and energy has no boundaries), we become aware of the responsibility AND opportunity that we have as individuals and as part of our global community. It makes it even more possible to "Be the change you wish to see in the world" (quote by Mahatma Gandhi). The way we choose to be, ripples out into our world. Knowledge is power. We become more conscious and empowered beings with this awareness. Simply being conscious of and increasing the higher … [Read more...]