The sacred element of Storm governs our Wholeness, combining all first four sacred elements to work together in harmony. While it can appear to be chaos when it shows up, it actually creates beneficial change, encouraging continued (and accelerated) personal growth. With awareness, we can courageously embrace it and receive the gifts it brings to our lives on all levels, as the following personal story demonstrates (in a more extreme example)… Towards the end of … [Read more...]
The powerful sacred gift of our Physical bodies…
The power of our Physical bodies has unfortunately been enshrouded in untruths, shame and controversy throughout history and our present time. When we remember, as a collective, how sacred our physical bodies are, the entire world will benefit from this. The following personal story conveys the immense power of our physical bodies, governed by the sacred element of Earth… Until 2012, only a select few soul sisters knew about this experience, for it’s something very … [Read more...]
The multi-dimensional power of our Minds in everyday life…
Our minds have many abilities that can either empower us or keep us distracted from experiencing our full potential and how extraordinary life really is. With awareness, we’re able to recognize how our minds benefit our unique paths and know when we can trust them, no matter how bizarre it might seem. The following personal story demonstrates the vast power of our minds in everyday life, governed by the sacred element of Air… One night, in May of 2007, I had one of … [Read more...]
Life in Divine alliance is SO amazing beyond what we can ever imagine!
You just never know what truly incredible journey will unfold or what pure magick will manifest, when you receive Higher guidance in some way, and choose to trust it wholeheartedly—no matter how unusual it may be or how long the journey may take. Aside from trust, it can require a lot of courage, faith, patience and perseverance. However, trusting in your supportive divine allies (the Divine and divinity of life: Spirit, Nature and Humanity—including your own) will reveal phenomenal, … [Read more...]