Hearts abound in Nature!... Every day, no matter where I am, I see heart shapes in the natural world... Leaves, clouds, rocks, seashells, branch formations, flower petals, bird formations, ocean bubbles... and the list goes on... I'm sure you can add your own to the list also. Our natural world has a healing frequency that vibrates at the level of love... it radiates what created it - Divine love. I find it so beautiful that heart shapes appear everywhere - a visual expression … [Read more...]
Gaia's relationship with Luna... celebrating our "Supermoon" Full Moon!... Its official time depends on your location, but regardless, this Full Moon will appear brighter and closer than usual tonight and tomorrow night. Due to its elliptical orbit around Earth, its distance varies along its course, and so this Full Moon IS closer to Earth than during the rest of the year - hence the term "supermoon". Its effects will be greater because it's close AND a Full Moon. Anyone on or within … [Read more...]
Wishing you a glorious SOLSTICE!…
The dancing cycles of Mother Earth... I wish you all a glorious * SOLSTICE * !... Summer officially begins for us in the northern hemisphere and Winter officially begins for those of you in the southern hemisphere!... It's either the longest or shortest day of the year depending on where you are, and the Solstice's official time is either today or tomorrow depending on your time zone... Here in Hawai'i it's this evening. May this Solstice be an empowering one for … [Read more...]
One of the greatest compliments we can receive as humans is animals feeling good around us - in our energy... If they're domestic animals, they actually seek to be in our presence, and if they're wild animals, they continue their activities without feeling threatened by us. Animals are extremely sensitive to energy and can sense from afar if ours is harmonious with theirs... and if not, they leave... but if they feel our energy is aligned with theirs (and Nature), they stay... and might … [Read more...]
The incredible and beautiful diversity of wildlife that share our world with us never ceases to amaze and delight me!... This gorgeous chameleon made a surprise appearance under the second floor lanai of Home Heart Hawaii, on the Big Island! I couldn't stop smiling admiringly as I watched it move ever so carefully, one grasping hand and foot at a time, as it eyed its observers with cautious curiosity. It was so endearing!... and such a joy to share with fellow-admirers Eva and … [Read more...]
Our wonderful feet were designed to receive Mother Earth's healing energy with every step... a divinely created relationship to maintain our well-being... (logically, it makes sense!... footwear with synthetic soles are a recent invention) Our feet's soles are like maps of our bodies which perspire continuously, filled with nerve endings and receptors. Water makes an exceptional conduit of energy (hence feet perspiration being genius). When our bare feet make contact with natural ground, … [Read more...]
Life’s continuous transformation of energy…
The infinite cycle of circulating energy in our world (inside and out)... the continuous dance that transforms energy from one form into another... An obvious example here, volcanic eruptions that transformed into rainforests on the islands of Hawai'i... This photo was taken in Kilauea Iki crater showing the hardened lava (that covers a very large area), with a young tree sprouting from it (they're everywhere, dotting the crater here and there)... They are beautiful seedlings of the … [Read more...]
WOW!... my feet are back on Mother Earth after a GLORIOUS swim with a gentle pod of 20 beautiful, wild Spinner Dolphins on Sunday off the coast of Hawaii, with Soul Family Eva and Lee. Eva captured the magnificent photo I'm sharing with you!... It's impossible to describe such experiences in words - they are experiences of the HEART... I was so touched by the pod when I first arrived to where they were swimming below in the deeper clear waters, and they all surfaced beside me and swam … [Read more...]
Embracing change is a wonderful thing!…
Change is not only normal in Nature but necessary for the well-being of any ecosystem, including our personal one. Observing Nature, we notice the different rhythms and cycles that keep the energy flowing in our world - outside ourselves and within. Ebbs and flows, rest and action, storm and calm, decomposition and creation, solitude and union, contraction and expansion,... It also keeps things so interesting!... How fortunate we are to be able to take a walk in the same trail, or … [Read more...]
Wildlife: perfect for testing our frequency…
We're complex beings as humans. So many aspects come together to just create our physical bodies. And all of it is beautiful energy - like everything that exists. Different frequencies affect us in different ways and understanding that can be used to our benefit. Energy can be defined into different wavelengths of vibration. Many of us experience a wide range within a 24 hour period depending on our lifestyle and if we sleep well. The brain itself has currently five known distinct waves … [Read more...]