Many people feel wonder at the sight of a large and ancient tree, admiring his incredible size and beauty. His age sets him apart from the younger ones, for he displays so much character, serenity and strength. However, it's easy to disregard his very humble beginnings as a small seed. None of us can possibly imagine or know everything this giant went through to reach his impressive size and age, or to gain his great wisdom. Our own lifespans are but a fraction of this mighty being's. His … [Read more...]
May 1, 2013 by Leave a Comment
During another wonder-filled hike, I found a peacock feather on my path (and this wasn't a typical path... we were creating our own path)! I was informed by my dear companions that I'm the first to find a peacock feather on this acreage of land since they've lived in this area (nearing 2 years)!... Then... I later found in my inbox an e-newsletter that I rarely receive, titled "Being the change, embracing transformation and peacock medicine!" which was sent around the same time I found … [Read more...]