I feel sooooo TRULY BLESSED!... This perfect-for-me house and Nature property that I've called home for almost two years, were such a Divine miracle with Divine timing... I will always feel absolute awe and appreciation for how it all suddenly appeared in my life... AND... as if THAT wasn't enough of a miracle, I also received the most wonderful neighbours I could EVER have desired - one of my dearest Soul Sisters, Georgina, and her dear family, including their two beautiful daughters … [Read more...]
April 3, 2013 by Leave a Comment
OOoohhhh my!... What magick was delivered at my door today! Shortly after a glorious meditation, I heard knocking at my door (perfect timing!). My dear neighbour delivered my mail... and with it was a package containing a surprise gift!... When I opened it, I was speechless with AWE!... What a gorgeously unique and so special gift! I have never seen such beautiful Moss Agate stones in jewellery - this one is a necklace with matching earrings. That stone is all about ELEMENTALS - … [Read more...]