The splendour of crystals above and below... I've always loved and been fascinated by crystals... whether those that form below, within Mother Earth's nurturing body, or above on her beautiful surface... These treasures blossom under just the right, divinely orchestrated conditions, and produce countless varieties... Those below Earth's surface create every colour of the rainbow and beyond. They withstand extreme conditions such as immense pressure and heat that gift us their gloriously … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Filed Under: Blog, Nature Experiences Tagged With: appreciation, beauty, cathedral, crystal, Divine, extreme, geometry, hoarfrost, magick, masterpiece, miracles, Mother Earth, sacred, transformation, wonder
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Weather's incredible dance of extremes... Just like that - it's winter!... Yesterday I was walking barefeet in the Nature trails, +9 degrees Celsius and mostly sunny... I savoured it fully, for at this time of the year especially, that can change from one day to the next... I woke up this morning... and my current world is suddenly a winter wonderland...!... It never ceases to amaze me how quickly and dramatically weather can change and transform (master shape-shifter!), especially in … [Read more...]