When you need a boost of courage to persevere on your unique path of life, let the salmon’s own journey empower you. A few days ago I unexpectedly encountered wild salmon at Potter Marsh, Alaska. The changing colours of Nature captivated me, so I paused to explore. I looked over a boardwalk and noticed these beautiful, mature fish swimming in the shallow waters of the marsh. As I gazed at them, I was reminded how the life journey of salmon is truly astonishing! I felt humbled and … [Read more...]
We’re all divinely created geniuses…
When we look at the ancient science of astrology, we clearly see that we are all different from each other and not meant to "fit in" - at all. We were in fact, divinely designed this way with purpose. We are meant to stand out in the way that only we can - with our unique skills, talents, experiences, perspectives, gifts, characteristics, personalities, zones of genius and quirks! One of my favourite quotes from Albert Einstein is the following: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge … [Read more...]
Our ever-changing Sky... I'm always as aware of what's going on above me as around me. Our sky is so dynamic with ever-changing colours created by the sun (sunrises, sunsets, rainbows, aurora borealis), clouds, flying animals and objects, storms, winds, stars, planets, moon... A lot of people seem surprised to find me observing the sky when they notice me doing so... they expect to see something amazing since I'm looking up!... I find our sky extraordinary as it is, at all times, … [Read more...]
Life prevails against all odds in extraordinary ways... In Canada, and possibly in other countries that experience below freezing temperatures in the Winter season, certain species of butterflies known as "anglewings" (since they have particular angle-shaped wings) actually defy death by hibernating!... They are delicate butterflies like other species, yet they survive the harshest winters in their adult forms without dying. They find crevices to shelter themselves from the elements so … [Read more...]
Every moment alive is sacred, with the potential to be an extraordinary experience and lesson... depending on our perspective and attitude... each choice we make affects the quality of our life and that of others... We're all powerful teachers to each other by example... by honouring who we are... every single being in our world and beyond, human and otherwise, is a teacher... When you look at this photo I'm sharing today, what teaching do you receive from the shining sun, the clouds, … [Read more...]