Our beautiful, divine essences... Do you know what your true self feels and looks like? If you suddenly found yourself in a location that makes you feel your absolute best, with no one around to judge you (and no self-judgment), with COMPLETE freedom to be who you TRULY are at your heart and soul... what would you do, who would you be and how would you feel?... When we spend time doing the things that really, fully resonate with our hearts, we express our true nature. When we spend … [Read more...]
Nature's bouquet of delectable scents... Every season has its special aromas that fill our being when we savour the outdoors. At this time of the cycles, now Autumn in the northern hemisphere, the scents are pungent, rich and earthy... I love walking in Nature where there's shrubs and trees, in the trails of a forest or wooded area... The fallen leaves provide a natural protective humus layer that decomposes and becomes a compost of nutrients for countless organisms... The scents of … [Read more...]
Windows to our hearts and souls... Our eyes are amazing for so many reasons... but on this Full Moon in Pisces, I'm focusing on their ability to let us see into each other's hearts and souls... to connect in a way that is unique to our eyes... They're like direct channels of connection. We don't even have to see a person's eyes to know they're looking at us from across a field. Even if they're wearing sunglasses, we just know when we're being observed. A connection is felt at a level … [Read more...]
Creative inspirations... We're all creative in some way or other, no matter what our age... As children, we're natural creators of games, pictures, crafts, stories,... Our imagination is bold and free, so we're always open to inspiration and it flows beautifully... Creativity is part of our natural state of being. If you feel you've lost your creative inspiration over the years, think back to when you were a child and observe without judgement what inspired you, what brought you your … [Read more...]
The beauty of our sacred work, regardless what it is... When we contribute to our world from our true essence, everything we do is priceless, more than we can imagine... It's different for each of us, and it's all invaluable. The vulture... I know that many cringe at the sight or thought of this raptor, associating it with death and less than appealing eating habits. However, for many Native American tribes, this large bird is called a "peace eagle". They refer to it as a peace … [Read more...]
Embracing change is a wonderful thing!…
Change is not only normal in Nature but necessary for the well-being of any ecosystem, including our personal one. Observing Nature, we notice the different rhythms and cycles that keep the energy flowing in our world - outside ourselves and within. Ebbs and flows, rest and action, storm and calm, decomposition and creation, solitude and union, contraction and expansion,... It also keeps things so interesting!... How fortunate we are to be able to take a walk in the same trail, or … [Read more...]
We all count, more than we can imagine!…
Mushrooms and other fungi are greatly undervalued for the highly significant roles they play in our environment... They keep our forests healthy by decomposing dead matter and recycle them into usable nutrients for other life-forms like the trees, plants, etc. Plants like the beautiful orchids would not even exist without special species of fungi that they evolved with. No matter what role we play in our world, when we are at our best, and use our unique qualities, talents and gifts, … [Read more...]
Shine your brilliant diamond light!
My very first blog... it's time to connect with each other! To share who we truly are in our world, is the greatest gift we can give to each other - and ourselves. To not only acknowledge each others' individuality, but to also accept it without judgement and celebrate it, is also showing appreciation for the Divine's gift to us - life! Each one of us is here for a reason. On "Global Oneness Day" two weeks ago, I shared the stage with others at an event in celebration of that day. That … [Read more...]