This is officially the beginning of Sacred Earth Connection™ videos! I chose to launch the first video today, on one of Nature's most significant days this year: it's not only the Equinox, but also a New "supermoon" Moon AND Solar Eclipse! In Alaska, we're now welcoming the Spring season. The launch of this first video is aligned with the energies that invite us to emerge from obscurity into the light of visibility, like the plants that push through the dark soil … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The season dances into a new one today!... For those of us in the northern hemisphere, Spring officially arrives today... for those of the southern hemisphere, Autumn officially arrives today... I wish you a wonderful Equinox wherever you are! For me, it felt like Spring arrived on March 3rd when I landed in California and experienced the glorious landscape and wildlife (including the song of robins by day and frogs by night) in the Yosemite Nat'l Park area where I was for 2 glorious … [Read more...]
Resplendent colours of Autumn... While I love all the shades of green that dominate the Summer landscape, the fire colours of Autumn are such a beauty to behold as they radiate yellow, gold, red, burgundy, purple, orange, bronze, copper... simply glorious!... ♥ (Wishing you all a wonder-filled EQUINOX - Autumn for us in the north, Spring for you in the south!) With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]