Nourishment for the body, mind and spirit... Foods that grow from Nature in their natural habitat have a very special vibrancy and nutrition uncomparable with other foods. When we're fortunate enough to have access to them, they become a ceremony of love and appreciation for so many - Mother Earth and Father Sky, the Elements, the environment, our bodies... When we connect with the environment and All who helped to grow this food, that in itself nourishes our mind, body and spirit (and we … [Read more...]
Storms... the dance of multiple Elements co-creates massive energy... I've always found Storms intensely beautiful. They're the epitome of many coming together to create a powerful result with purpose. The power of a Storm is immense. Imagine if we all came together with an intention to co-create a world that benefits everyone... our energy, multiplied, effects change when it is focused. It cannot be deviated. It's like lightning in its radiance and precision. When we all realize … [Read more...]
Rain blessed the land and Plant Beings in abundance this morning. It was so delightful to hear the soothing rainfall along with the bird songs and cicadas. Everything looks so vibrant and the air smells so fresh! Regardless how we obtain our water for everyday living, it is such an invaluable, precious element for life! Our bodies, like Earth, are mostly made of water. Regardless what our beverage of preference is, it wouldn't exist without water (and neither would we). Think about how … [Read more...]