hile feeling and expressing love and appreciation has always been my nature, there are always even greater degrees that we can experience. Nothing increases the depth of feeling love and appreciation for something or someone, like their absence! In this particular post, I'm referring to our glorious sun! It has been raining every day for over a week - the land really needed it. Then today, I awoke to radiant sunlight streaming into the living room, creating dozens of … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Love-green orb and northern lights... Ah, the beautiful and mysterious (or not so mysterious) orbs that appear around us, usually visible only through a camera but can also be seen without at times... I don't typically carry my camera with me in Nature, but two days ago I brought it to take a photo of a newly sprouted little leaf I noticed in a trail... I also felt guided to just take 'random' photos of the forest, with no particular focus in mind, so I did... When I looked at my … [Read more...]
A delightful surprise blew in with the wind this morning as I was journalling...! I was quietly writing when I heard a rustling noise on the lanai... as I looked up I noticed a joyfully dancing seed in the breeze that suddenly flew up and stuck against the screen door!... I opened the door to have a closer look and smiled to find a heart shaped seed in the middle of the translucent paper-like "wings"! A gift from Nature and Spirit... so precious and confirming of my journey!... … [Read more...]
I feel sooooo TRULY BLESSED!... This perfect-for-me house and Nature property that I've called home for almost two years, were such a Divine miracle with Divine timing... I will always feel absolute awe and appreciation for how it all suddenly appeared in my life... AND... as if THAT wasn't enough of a miracle, I also received the most wonderful neighbours I could EVER have desired - one of my dearest Soul Sisters, Georgina, and her dear family, including their two beautiful daughters … [Read more...]
OOoohhhh my!... What magick was delivered at my door today! Shortly after a glorious meditation, I heard knocking at my door (perfect timing!). My dear neighbour delivered my mail... and with it was a package containing a surprise gift!... When I opened it, I was speechless with AWE!... What a gorgeously unique and so special gift! I have never seen such beautiful Moss Agate stones in jewellery - this one is a necklace with matching earrings. That stone is all about ELEMENTALS - … [Read more...]