Collectively beneficial relationships... Throughout Nature, we see examples of how life exchanges a give and take in balance, so that everyone benefits... this enables the ecosystems to thrive in harmony... Pollinators receive food from flowers, mostly in the form of nectar, in exchange for fertilizing the blossoms... Herbivores eat plants and fruit that stimulate new growth while also dispersing the plants' seeds... Carnivores select their prey in such a way that feeds them and keeps the … [Read more...]
July 1, 2013 by Leave a Comment
In celebration of Canada Day... My natal country Canada is so vast and gloriously diverse with every ecosystem, weather and temperature possible!... Sending love and appreciation from the middle of the Pacific Ocean to Canada's inhabitants of all races and kingdoms - human, animal, plant, stone, water, etc... ♥ (this photo was taken from an island on Lake of the Woods near Kenora, Ontario) With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]