We live in a wonderous world created from divine love... This light and love filled photograph was taken at Bodega Bay, California last month. Four sacred elements are present in glorious forms: Wind (AIR), radiant sunlight (FIRE), powerful waves of the Pacific Ocean (WATER), dramatic stone formation and warm sand (EARTH)! Sitting on the warm sand, bare feet happily buried in its softness, I faced the ocean and sun, smiling from the inside out… I felt deeply nurtured by … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The beauty of mini wildlife!... I've always been one to notice the tiny wildlife among us, as much as the more noticeable larger wildlife. I find them all so endearing and fascinating. Magickal beauty of SNAILS The collection of photos I'm sharing with you is all SNAILS and they are absolutely magnificent and mesmerizing! What a celebration of those tiny little beings!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Glorious perspectives make all the difference... I woke up and it looks like I'm in a "snow globe"... snow falling everywhere and all around from the clouds onto the snowy landscape... and so much of it!... As I watched the wind playing with the feather-like clumps of snowflakes, all I could think of was... WOW... what and ABUNDANCE of MIRACLES is falling onto Earth here today!... When you think that every single snowflake is a magnificent little miracle in itself... that's a LOT of … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
There's always more to something than meets the eye... When I captured this glorious image of Sky and Earth elements unified (setting Sun shining through Trees), the light was split and revealed beautiful sacred geometry, orbs and light splendour! I love to see things not just with my eyes but also with my other senses... a shift of perspective can reveal a whole new experience... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Ancient wisdom that transcends time... Our ancestors had such an intimate connection with our natural world of Earth and Cosmos, Nature and Spirit... They had knowledge about countless sacred places of power on Mother Earth, some now known worldwide as vortexes, others simply marked by ancient ruins or places of worship... yet so many more exist quietly within Nature - treasures for those of us who discover them... When we connect with our own hearts and that of Gaia, we have access … [Read more...]
Endless surprises of Nature!... Life truly delights in continuously surprising us with its wonders... I don't know about you, but the mushrooms known as 'puffballs' that I've seen are never larger than a golf ball. THIS one that I happened upon however... is GIANT!... It radiates its white colour in the sunlight like a beacon in the middle of the clearing where it grew. I couldn't help but exclaim wonder out loud. I never tire of discovering more of Nature's miracles... … [Read more...]
Bridges of sacred energy between Earth and Sky... Trees have always held a prominent place in spirituality from ages past, one of the best known being the Tree of Life. They are firmly rooted into Mother Earth and extend their limbs high up into Father Sky. They're like bridges between the worlds of the physical and spirit. A Red Pine tree once taught me that they radiate immensely healing energy because they're channels of the sacred energy that flows between the two worlds and … [Read more...]
Beautiful rainbows... and the internet... Radiant rainbows have been showing up everywhere these past few days in the most unexpected ways. From reflections through manufactured glass, metal and crystal decorations, to reflections in the tiniest dew drops and rain. The one in the photo appeared after a mega storm on Saturday evening. I went for a Nature walk and saw it only once I reached the location where I received my "Spirit Name" of DancingWind, over 2 years ago... I see rainbows … [Read more...]
The gloriously majestic beings we know as Mountains... I'm always left in absolute awe in the presence of mountains, whether on ground level or above in the sky... They command such a strong presence with powerful energies. Every range or group has its own energy and many mountains also display powerfully unique energy of their own as individuals. They bridge Earth and Sky, the mundane and the spiritual, in magnificent ways. They facilitate the communion with the realm of Spirit and all … [Read more...]