No photo could possibly convey the amazing-ness of yesterday's PERFECT moving day!... or my great appreciation to all who are supporting this new journey on my path... human and non! All week there was a big pond of snow-melt water on my driveway and mud. NOT ideal for a big diesel truck pulling a U-Haul trailer!... Then I woke up yesterday morning to a brightly shining day, no wind, balmy AND... the water had disappeared completely and the mud transformed to hard ground!... I was in awe... … [Read more...]
I'm SO in love and in awe with the Divinity of life!... it's so beautiful and supportive, beyond our senses!... truly! I've experienced it every day throughout my life!... Instead of meditating first thing this morning, I felt compelled to simply look outside at the glorious treed landscape that surrounds me, in quiet contemplation... I was musing about how all my life, I've been a "leaper" into the unknown... and every leap has been stretching me more and more to experience what I'm truly … [Read more...]
The gift of silent stillness…
For the past two days, the natural world around me has been decorated by beautiful hoarfrost on every twig, dried blade of grass, evergreen needle and more... It is so exquisite to see these intricate crystals decorating everything so perfectly. Accompanying this divine beauty has been complete stillness. Yesterday evening I went for a hike at dusk and fog was all around like a blanket, especially visible in the fields surrounding the forest. For a while I sat silently on the snow at … [Read more...]