It’s easy to allow the strong emotions of fear, worry or doubt to overwhelm us in the face of a crisis or an uncertain situation that appears to threaten some aspect of our life. It’s an automatic response from our protective self. However, when we allow for higher emotions to affect our possible outcomes instead, miracles can manifest. The following personal story demonstrates how every moment is dictated by the power of Emotion, governed by the sacred element of … [Read more...]
Life in Divine alliance is SO amazing beyond what we can ever imagine!
You just never know what truly incredible journey will unfold or what pure magick will manifest, when you receive Higher guidance in some way, and choose to trust it wholeheartedly—no matter how unusual it may be or how long the journey may take. Aside from trust, it can require a lot of courage, faith, patience and perseverance. However, trusting in your supportive divine allies (the Divine and divinity of life: Spirit, Nature and Humanity—including your own) will reveal phenomenal, … [Read more...]
CAPPED BRANCHLETS teach: Rewards of Trusting Processes [video]…
On our paths of life, it can seem like it would be so much simpler or better at times if we were handed a "road map" with every new experience, inspiration, or endeavor we choose to undertake... Clear step-by-step instructions on how to manifest an inspiration or vision within a specific time... Clear directions to navigate a new experience... A clear map indicating apparent roadblocks, detours, shortcuts, and smooth roads versus bumpy ones, to arrive at a desired result... But this … [Read more...]
MUSHROOMS teach: We have Extraordinary Power [video]…
It's easy in this day and age to overlook the incredible wonders, the magick, the miracles, the extraordinary, that surrounds us every moment of every day... AND that we have within us! There are so many distractions that infuse our lives in all forms of technology, media, expectations and countless thoughts saturating or minds. In the face of all the issues that plague our world, one can wonder if there really is any hope at all for a better world. Yes, there is. The truth is, we … [Read more...]