Since my focus remains primarily on the completion of “Sacred Possibilities” book 2, Divine Spirit and Nature have limited the inspiration I require, to co-create new Sacred Earth Connection videos (each one is a process that takes a lot of time). However, since I really enjoy the co-creative process, I was overjoyed to receive a sudden inspiration for this new video's timely message - a teaching from the mighty fire-scorched Oaks of California! In this world of … [Read more...]
There’s always a surprise gift beyond the perspective “box”…
There's always so much more to what we perceive... Have you ever been surprised by something, someone, or a situation that turned out to be so different than what you initially perceived them to be? I recently encountered two reminders of why having a sense of wonder, curiosity and an ability to look outside our perspective "box" is so important AND beneficial for us, in all life situations. My first reminder was a light-hearted and simple experience. I was silently hiking on a … [Read more...]
Our divine gift of sacred co-creation with Nature & Spirit…
Have you ever experienced desiring something from your heart and you received exactly what you desired (or something even better)? Or have you ever had a sudden inquiry in your mind about something and the answer showed up for you in an unexpected way shortly after? Or have you ever wondered about a decision you needed to make and you received a clear form of guidance that felt divinely timed or orchestrated? This is something that I used to experience sporadically in my younger years and it … [Read more...]
FOREST GIANTS teach: Rewards of Life’s Storms [video]…
It can be daunting at times as we journey on our paths of life and come face-to-face with experiences that throw us out of our comfort zones! Sometimes we can see or feel these experiences coming, but they still challenge us in some way, regardless of our foresight. Other times they unexpectedly slam into us, leaving us wondering how and why we ended up in those situations. It's not always apparent in the moment, why we're experiencing these storms of life. We might not understand … [Read more...]
Your unique path is so sacred and needed…
In this day and age, it's so easy for people to judge a person's path as either being a spiritual one or a less spiritual one. People have preconceived ideas of what a person's life, job or work has to look like to qualify as being "spiritual" (based on perception). However, we're all spiritual beings by nature. Every part of us is a journey to experiencing more of our divinity in its infinite aspects. We can't have rainbows with just one colour - every aspect of us and experience is … [Read more...]
Rise of the love phoenix…
Our world is changing in more ways than we can perceive. Mother Earth has had enough of the abuse, the lack of reverence and respect, the domination mentality that is only self-serving, the greed without regard for how it negatively affects the greater whole... This affects each of us on a personal level for we're intimately connected to our beautiful Gaia. There's a deep awakening emerging within souls everywhere. Many will choose to keep ignoring the call of their hearts … [Read more...]
The power of love is beyond logic…
By nature, we are love. We're also miracles. Science can state the facts of observation, but in the end, only divine love creates and explains the miraculous. Science can't explain how two microscopic cells that unite, transform into countless forms of life, including human beings. They simply do, and divine love makes it possible - it makes anything and everything possible. When we recognize the miraculous in ourselves and in the environments that surround us, we can begin to grasp … [Read more...]
Feathers instead of bear poop…
I've learned from decades of experience, that our sacred hearts have infinite wisdom and their guidance is always for our highest good. Even when we feel guided into something that might bring up fears in some form, there's always a brilliant gem waiting to reveal itself, if we have the courage to follow through with this higher guidance. Trust in ourselves and in the divinity of life, is the key that enables us to follow this source of higher guidance. Yesterday evening I … [Read more...]