If you feel resistance to loving yourself, or feel anything (even slightly) negative about the thought of "self-love", or there's some part of you that you don't love, then this video is especially for you! Every time I've walked in Nature trails in numerous countries and various landscapes, I've encountered at least one tree that fits the description of my featured guest in this video. I also showcase many of them at the end of the video, all encountered on just one … [Read more...]
The immense power of Emotion in everyday life situations…
It’s easy to allow the strong emotions of fear, worry or doubt to overwhelm us in the face of a crisis or an uncertain situation that appears to threaten some aspect of our life. It’s an automatic response from our protective self. However, when we allow for higher emotions to affect our possible outcomes instead, miracles can manifest. The following personal story demonstrates how every moment is dictated by the power of Emotion, governed by the sacred element of … [Read more...]
BUTTERFLY teaches: Chaos has a Sacred Purpose [video]…
In general, chaos is seen as something that destroys rather than something that creates. It's viewed as something synonymous to negative rather than positive. Chaos in the way that I define it in this blog post and video, is any experience that challenges you through an unexpected or difficult change of routine, lifestyle, home, relationship, identity, security, etc. It requires that you stretch beyond what feels familiar and comfortable to you. I don't know … [Read more...]