
CONTORTED TREES teach: Profound Truths about Self-Love [video]…

If you feel resistance to loving yourself, or feel anything (even slightly) negative about the thought of "self-love", or there's some part of you that you don't love, then this video is especially for you!     Every time I've walked in Nature trails in numerous countries and various landscapes, I've encountered at least one tree that fits the description of my featured guest in this video. I also showcase many of them at the end of the video, all encountered on just one … [Read more...]

Let Nature’s Wonders Infuse You: Take a Virtual Hike with Lucille DancingWind… [video]…

hile feeling and expressing love and appreciation has always been my nature, there are always even greater degrees that we can experience. Nothing increases the depth of feeling love and appreciation for something or someone, like their absence! In this particular post, I'm referring to our glorious sun!   It has been raining every day for over a week - the land really needed it. Then today,  I awoke to radiant sunlight streaming into the living room, creating dozens of … [Read more...]