Life is full of unexpected journeys, on all levels of who we are as human beings and as part of this beautiful world of Mother Earth! This year, I ended up spending the summer in Alaska with my husband Michael, due to his terminally ill father. We had no idea we'd be staying almost 3 months, but received incredible, divine blessings with the surprise timing, by answering the call as soon as Alaska lifted some of its restrictions to travelers in early June (put in place in response to the … [Read more...]
MUSHROOMS teach: We have Extraordinary Power [video]…
It's easy in this day and age to overlook the incredible wonders, the magick, the miracles, the extraordinary, that surrounds us every moment of every day... AND that we have within us! There are so many distractions that infuse our lives in all forms of technology, media, expectations and countless thoughts saturating or minds. In the face of all the issues that plague our world, one can wonder if there really is any hope at all for a better world. Yes, there is. The truth is, we … [Read more...]
The “worst case scenario” is only one of many possibilities…
There will always be a "worst case scenario" to the many life situations we find ourselves in and in so many cases, that's what the focus lands on. Regardless of the situation, the emphasis automatically seems to be on that negative "most probable outcome" and not necessarily on all the other possibilities available. It's always in our favour to keep in mind that for every situation, there is also a "best case scenario" (even if you receive a mere 0.1% chance of that scenario … [Read more...]
The best benefits of a rainy day in Nature!…
By nature, people generally don't get excited about spending a rainy day outdoors - especially if there's wind included! However, there are definitely benefits to doing just that (as long as you dress up accordingly so you don't get cold). Early evening as the sun was setting today, I went for my daily Nature hike in one of my favourite trails near Anchorage, Alaska. The weather has been so mild these past couple of weeks that all the snow has disappeared. It was rainy and windy, with … [Read more...]
Support can show up in unexpected ways!…
We always have an infinite amount of support available to us as we journey through life on our unique paths. All we have to do is ask for it (for Spirit respects free will). Support can show up in countless forms, including an unexpected flow of resources, opportunities, connections, something we desired, synchronicities, information or gifts. However, some forms of support can also show up in ways we don't expect! They seem to turn our life upside down, to create disharmony or chaos, … [Read more...]
It’s our nature – powerful, multidimensional co-creators!…
Ah, the eternal "battle" of our logical minds!... It's so easy to dismiss anything that our logical minds can't explain, as being mere imagination or superstition, or to analyse phenomenons with scientific explanations and conclude that certain things are "impossible". It's what most of us have been taught to do - automatically. However, when we do that, we completely disregard our multidimensional, true nature! Instead of seeing ourselves and our world as multiple forms of visible and … [Read more...]
Our moon intimately reminds us of our amazing true nature…
It's easy to feel disconnected from our true nature when lifestyles include very little connection with Nature. However, anyone who works with the public on a regular basis has most likely noticed the effects of full moons on people's behaviours! There's a direct relationship. The moon continuously offers us a reminder that we're intimately related to the cycles of Nature and lunar phases, regardless of our lifestyles. It reminds us that we are Nature ourselves. We can't hide from the … [Read more...]
Transform the world simply by being YOU!…
If you're one who desires to see change in the world, but you feel overwhelmed at times (or all the time) about how any one person can possibly make a difference, this post is for you. :) It's all a matter of perspective!... When we look at the issues plaguing our world at this time, and there's certainly no shortage(!), the overwhelm kicks in, since we're looking at it from a global and physical perspective. From that vantage point, we feel small and powerless in the face of such a grand … [Read more...]
The unexpected gift of an urban tree…
When we live from the heart, we have a higher appreciation ability. This greatly enhances all our experiences of life. Even when certain circumstances might not seem favourable, we're able to receive the gem within them or that emerges from them. Life is no longer just a series of "good" or "bad" experiences, but a journey of discoveries that teach us about ourselves, others and this amazing world we live in. Having an open heart allows us to make the most of any situation, so that … [Read more...]
The sacred can be inconspicuous…
It's easy to see a majestic, sunset-lit mountain and feel its sacredness. It's easy to see an ancient, giant tree towering in a forest and feel its sacredness. It's easy to see a magnificent whale breach with power and grace out of the ocean and feel its sacredness. It's easy to see a symphony orchestra playing with extraordinary skill and feel its sacredness. It's easy to feel the sacred when our spirits are captivated by the many grand wonders of Nature (humans included)... but … [Read more...]