Windows to our hearts and souls... Our eyes are amazing for so many reasons... but on this Full Moon in Pisces, I'm focusing on their ability to let us see into each other's hearts and souls... to connect in a way that is unique to our eyes... They're like direct channels of connection. We don't even have to see a person's eyes to know they're looking at us from across a field. Even if they're wearing sunglasses, we just know when we're being observed. A connection is felt at a level … [Read more...]
Relationships with Spirit and Nature... While relationships with fellow human beings are important and truly special, there is also something so sacred about our relationships beyond the human race. We're blessed to have such a diversity of relations. We have so many beings of Nature and Spirit co-existing with us in every imaginable form, all Divinely created like us. We're family and each other's teachers and allies. Developing harmonious relationships with them not only makes perfect … [Read more...]
Glorious light... We all feel invigorated by natural light - it reminds us of our own inner light,... that we are light ourselves. Light from the sun, light from fire, light from our eyes... it warms our hearts and touches our souls. It gives us life. It makes us feel vibrant and connected to all. Light is a visible expression of love energy... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Beautiful co-creation - it matters in all ways... I always marvel at the intricate work of spiders - their webs are such incredible works of art that they weave with precision and purpose. I'll always remember one sunrise in central Manitoba a few summers ago, when I was walking in Nature, and there was dew everywhere. On this particular morning, I happened to be walking at the perfect time to see the sunlight shine at the perfect angle, to transform every single spiderweb in this vast … [Read more...]
Precious heart connections... Every time I make a beautiful heart connection, with a person or other being, I am so moved by the depth of love that connects us all - that Divine energy that enables us to transcend everything so we can truly connect heart to heart... Every connection made through love is such a blessing and I'm so grateful for each and every one that we have the privilege to experience every day... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
A courageous little bird brought me to tears today... After leisurely enjoying the sights, sounds, aromas and textures of Pu'uhonua O Honaunau, I felt guided to spend some quiet time at the picnic area a short walk away by the ocean... Amazingly, for a Friday late afternoon and evening, the space was vacant! It felt like such a sacred space between two giant trees overlooking lava stones and the endless ocean!... Then I knew I was right where I was supposed to be when a beautiful … [Read more...]