It's always such a blessing to encounter these beautiful, docile beings of the ocean!... This one was sunning herself and resting on the warm lava stones of Hawaii, fully being in the moment... while others were floating like little islands in the shallow water near the shore, feeding peacefully, occasionally poking their heads out of the water to take in another breath... making eye contact... Having voluteered 11 years ago for 3 months in Costa Rica on the Pacific side, for PRETOMA … [Read more...]
A courageous little bird brought me to tears today... After leisurely enjoying the sights, sounds, aromas and textures of Pu'uhonua O Honaunau, I felt guided to spend some quiet time at the picnic area a short walk away by the ocean... Amazingly, for a Friday late afternoon and evening, the space was vacant! It felt like such a sacred space between two giant trees overlooking lava stones and the endless ocean!... Then I knew I was right where I was supposed to be when a beautiful … [Read more...]
WOW!... my feet are back on Mother Earth after a GLORIOUS swim with a gentle pod of 20 beautiful, wild Spinner Dolphins on Sunday off the coast of Hawaii, with Soul Family Eva and Lee. Eva captured the magnificent photo I'm sharing with you!... It's impossible to describe such experiences in words - they are experiences of the HEART... I was so touched by the pod when I first arrived to where they were swimming below in the deeper clear waters, and they all surfaced beside me and swam … [Read more...]
A delightful surprise blew in with the wind this morning as I was journalling...! I was quietly writing when I heard a rustling noise on the lanai... as I looked up I noticed a joyfully dancing seed in the breeze that suddenly flew up and stuck against the screen door!... I opened the door to have a closer look and smiled to find a heart shaped seed in the middle of the translucent paper-like "wings"! A gift from Nature and Spirit... so precious and confirming of my journey!... … [Read more...]
~ ♥ ~ HAPPY EARTH DAY! ~ ♥ ~
I wish you a glorious Earth Day... and invite you to make every day "Earth Day" - she provides us with everything we have! ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
When you think you’ve seen it all… look again!…
It's so easy to overlook things in our environment that we get used to seeing. We might see the same species of birds, mammals or trees and not really notice them anymore since they're no longer a novelty... I tend to do that in urban areas, but when I'm out in Nature, I always see things with wonder - as if seeing them for the first time. Even if I've seen Chickadees, Oaks, Clover, the Moon, the Sunset, or Stars thousands of times, I still delight in every one I see. Having this … [Read more...]
We all count, more than we can imagine!…
Mushrooms and other fungi are greatly undervalued for the highly significant roles they play in our environment... They keep our forests healthy by decomposing dead matter and recycle them into usable nutrients for other life-forms like the trees, plants, etc. Plants like the beautiful orchids would not even exist without special species of fungi that they evolved with. No matter what role we play in our world, when we are at our best, and use our unique qualities, talents and gifts, … [Read more...]
Shine your brilliant diamond light!
My very first blog... it's time to connect with each other! To share who we truly are in our world, is the greatest gift we can give to each other - and ourselves. To not only acknowledge each others' individuality, but to also accept it without judgement and celebrate it, is also showing appreciation for the Divine's gift to us - life! Each one of us is here for a reason. On "Global Oneness Day" two weeks ago, I shared the stage with others at an event in celebration of that day. That … [Read more...]