Feeling the call... We all have the ability to perceive energies. It's obvious when we enter a room and we immediately feel what the mood is, based on the people present. It's pure energy. The more we fine tune this ability through conscious awareness, the stronger it becomes, and we're able to perceive energies from around the world. Energy has no boundaries. For two decades I've been allowing places to call me to plan my trips and even places of residence. I always know where I must … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Even small and subtle is powerful... When we live from a place of loving appreciation, our world expands to include even the smallest and most subtle things that usually go unnoticed, that can make all the difference in our day and for others... The glistening dewdrop of rainbow colours on a blade of grass... a kind word... an intricate little snowflake that lands on your mitten... a warm, loving smile... a tiny feather dancing in the breeze... love shining through eye contact... a small … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Heart connections... Our hearts speak the universal language of love, which every form of life recognizes and understands... The highest energy frequency, with the power to create miracles, love flows through us all and unites us as a universal family... Nothing feels more divine than connecting with All through our love and hearts... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
The mystical and physical dancing together more and more... I've noticed since 2007 that certain beings I usually saw with my 3rd eye have become easier to see with my physical sight, especially this past year. Mentioning this to others, it's obvious that it's a natural evolution we're experiencing and the result is that we're able to connect more easily whole-bodied with beings of other dimensions - what used to be perceived by our spiritual senses is now perceivable with our physical … [Read more...]
The JOY of beauty and rare encounters... Walking in a trail and feeling loving appreciation for all the beauty that surrounds me, I came upon a cluster of three "blue flags", an uncommon type of gorgeous wild iris in this area. They look so regal at the edge of the woods. What a gift to encounter such rarities. We never know what beauty awaits our discovery... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Life supports us every step of the way in many forms... Wow... so many transitions are occurring with MANY!... we can barely keep up it seems!... BUT, we're not doing this alone and we're not expected to either! ... I've been seeing so many beautiful dragonflies of all types and colours... they are also masters of transformational transitions and they do it with so much grace... From eggs, to aquatic nymphs to agile masters of flight - truly inspiring to see! When you feel like … [Read more...]
The ever-changing sky... when we look up, we never know what we'll see... or experience!... I had an interesting experience a few days ago... I was waiting outside in a public place on the island of Hawai'i, and since my surroundings weren't very interesting, I gazed up at the sky above me. There were many puffy white clouds dancing in the bright blue sky, changing forms and merging and separating... Different birds flew across my field of vision... The sun's rays played with the … [Read more...]
The incredible and beautiful diversity of wildlife that share our world with us never ceases to amaze and delight me!... This gorgeous chameleon made a surprise appearance under the second floor lanai of Home Heart Hawaii, on the Big Island! I couldn't stop smiling admiringly as I watched it move ever so carefully, one grasping hand and foot at a time, as it eyed its observers with cautious curiosity. It was so endearing!... and such a joy to share with fellow-admirers Eva and … [Read more...]
What a spectacular lizard the MO'O is!!!... and the way they observe and look at you with those turquoise-rimmed eyes is so endearing!... How fun it must have been to create such a delightfully colourful little being!... I doubt that anyone can look at these little lizards and not smile - their colours exude joy!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]