If you're someone who just doesn't feel fulfilled in your life (even if you have everything that should make you feel happy); or you feel like there has to be more to life than what you currently do or experience; or you feel stuck in some way and don't feel inspired with the life you live;... this video is especially for you!… Also, at times a reminder that this video's message brings to you, can give you an extra boost of courage; renew your determination or perseverance; or empower you to … [Read more...]
TINY LIZARDS teach: Our “Limits” Are Make-Believe [video]…
While in conversation with people I've just met, or who know me through my work, and mention of my personal experiences is brought up, too often, I receive in response "Oh! I could NEVER do THAT!"... Well, the tiny lizards who are now neighbours in my home environment in northern California (as well as those whom I've met in other locations, including Arizona and Costa Rica), have a powerful teaching for us about our sneaky self-limitations! These adorable little … [Read more...]
FOREST GIANTS teach: Rewards of Life’s Storms [video]…
It can be daunting at times as we journey on our paths of life and come face-to-face with experiences that throw us out of our comfort zones! Sometimes we can see or feel these experiences coming, but they still challenge us in some way, regardless of our foresight. Other times they unexpectedly slam into us, leaving us wondering how and why we ended up in those situations. It's not always apparent in the moment, why we're experiencing these storms of life. We might not understand … [Read more...]
The purposeful “mess” is miraculous…
Nature is such an invaluable, great teacher. It teaches us everything we need to know about life and our own paths, always supporting us when we allow ourselves to receive its wisdom. It teaches directly through messages or by using metaphors and analogies. I've been encountering many people who are experiencing challenges at this time, as they resist the call to step into more of their greatness. Challenges actually let us know that we're crossing the threshold of our comfort … [Read more...]