The immense power of our hearts' energy is divinely infinite with potential! Each of us have within us, the key to this beneficial, transformational power! I really missed recording Sacred Earth Connection videos this past (long) winter in Alaska, and then suddenly, "just like that", I received the opportunity and inspiration to do so while hiking in Nature two weeks ago (the evening before the New Moon). My surprise encounter with a big bull Moose was pure magick! The following … [Read more...]
Everyone wins!…
August 11, 2014 by Leave a Comment
According to dictionary(dot)com, “competition” can be defined as: "The act of competing, rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc." Yesterday's Full Moon felt very special to me and this was one of the reasons... It was the perfect day to do a ceremony in Nature, for a special contest I offered only to my e-newsletter subscribers. They had a chance to win a signed copy of my book Sacred Possibilities ! The contest was launched on the New Moon and yesterday was the big day for the … [Read more...]