Life is full of unexpected journeys, on all levels of who we are as human beings and as part of this beautiful world of Mother Earth! This year, I ended up spendingĀ the summer in Alaska with my husband Michael, due to his terminally ill father. We had no idea we'd be staying almost 3 months, but received incredible, divine blessings with the surprise timing, by answering the call as soon asĀ Alaska lifted some of its restrictions to travelers in early June (put in place in response to the … [Read more...]
SPIDERS teach: Letting Go is Wise not “Failure”… [video]…
As co-creators of our lives and this world, we're continuously focusing our energy ahead on beginnings, growth, expansion and evolving. However, when it comes to things that no longer serve us or appear to not have worked out (based on expectations or aspirations), we've been taught as a culture that it's not a positive thing - it's a "failure". Well, the spider has a different spin on this cultural view, which is not only wise but beneficial at all stages of human … [Read more...]
It’s our nature – powerful, multidimensional co-creators!…
Ah, the eternal "battle" of our logical minds!... It's so easy to dismiss anything that our logical minds can't explain, as being mere imagination or superstition, or to analyse phenomenons with scientific explanations and conclude that certain things are "impossible". It's what most of us have been taught to do - automatically. However, when we do that, we completely disregard our multidimensional, true nature! Instead of seeing ourselves and our world as multiple forms of visible and … [Read more...]