Wow! This inspired new video shares a lot in itself, to support you to Shine your Light, as you're meant to, but I didn't anticipate that it would become an adventure of opposing resistance, which took me and Michael by surprise (I explain further below)! Since my focus remains primarily on my continuous writing journey of "Sacred Possibilities" book 2, divine Spirit and Nature have limited the inspiration I require for new videos (each one is a project in itself that requires focused … [Read more...]
SPIDERS teach: Letting Go is Wise not “Failure”… [video]…
As co-creators of our lives and this world, we're continuously focusing our energy ahead on beginnings, growth, expansion and evolving. However, when it comes to things that no longer serve us or appear to not have worked out (based on expectations or aspirations), we've been taught as a culture that it's not a positive thing - it's a "failure". Well, the spider has a different spin on this cultural view, which is not only wise but beneficial at all stages of human … [Read more...]
Our divine gift of sacred co-creation with Nature & Spirit…
Have you ever experienced desiring something from your heart and you received exactly what you desired (or something even better)? Or have you ever had a sudden inquiry in your mind about something and the answer showed up for you in an unexpected way shortly after? Or have you ever wondered about a decision you needed to make and you received a clear form of guidance that felt divinely timed or orchestrated? This is something that I used to experience sporadically in my younger years and it … [Read more...]
Everyone wins!…
According to dictionary(dot)com, “competition” can be defined as: "The act of competing, rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc." Yesterday's Full Moon felt very special to me and this was one of the reasons... It was the perfect day to do a ceremony in Nature, for a special contest I offered only to my e-newsletter subscribers. They had a chance to win a signed copy of my book Sacred Possibilities ! The contest was launched on the New Moon and yesterday was the big day for the … [Read more...]
Beautiful co-creation - it matters in all ways... I always marvel at the intricate work of spiders - their webs are such incredible works of art that they weave with precision and purpose. I'll always remember one sunrise in central Manitoba a few summers ago, when I was walking in Nature, and there was dew everywhere. On this particular morning, I happened to be walking at the perfect time to see the sunlight shine at the perfect angle, to transform every single spiderweb in this vast … [Read more...]
Every day is a new masterpiece waiting to manifest and be experienced with our world... Each day is different, regardless if we have the same routines... There is always something new to discover, to savour, to experience, to learn, to appreciate... nothing is exactly the same... Even the sunsets... They might appear the same to those who live where the sky is clear on a regular basis... but even without the clouds that change the sunsets' colours and qualities every day... if we tune in … [Read more...]
Nature-inspired and co-created works of art are my favourite type of art... Whether using natural materials to adorn oneself or decorate spaces, sacred geometry to create architecture, or images of nature to create visual masterpieces... from simple to elaborate, it appeals to me aesthetically and delights my heart and soul...! I received this gorgeous Hawaiian lei made of multiple types of flowers blossoming on the Big Island, and it's not only visually beautiful, it also celebrates a … [Read more...]