When we're faced with what seems like adversity, it can be difficult to see any possible gifts within the situation! We feel like we've been catapulted outside of our comfort or security zones and we have no idea what the outcome will look like. It can test us on all levels and make us question everything. It's not easy to recognize that within the chaos, there is a reward - or many. What a reward looks like is unique to each of us, depending on our personal path. We all have … [Read more...]
Support can show up in unexpected ways!…
We always have an infinite amount of support available to us as we journey through life on our unique paths. All we have to do is ask for it (for Spirit respects free will). Support can show up in countless forms, including an unexpected flow of resources, opportunities, connections, something we desired, synchronicities, information or gifts. However, some forms of support can also show up in ways we don't expect! They seem to turn our life upside down, to create disharmony or chaos, … [Read more...]
Miracles, miracles and more miracles…
At this time it can be quite easy to look at this world's chaos and wonder if we'll even make it another decade on this precious planet. Many have expressed their concerns to me lately. However, we always have the freedom to choose what we focus on and the media rarely focuses on the beautiful and positive. When we focus on what seems like madness in the world, our energy plummets and we can easily feel overwhelmed. When we focus on the love in our world, our energy elevates as we … [Read more...]
Rise of the love phoenix…
Our world is changing in more ways than we can perceive. Mother Earth has had enough of the abuse, the lack of reverence and respect, the domination mentality that is only self-serving, the greed without regard for how it negatively affects the greater whole... This affects each of us on a personal level for we're intimately connected to our beautiful Gaia. There's a deep awakening emerging within souls everywhere. Many will choose to keep ignoring the call of their hearts … [Read more...]