Windows to our hearts and souls... Our eyes are amazing for so many reasons... but on this Full Moon in Pisces, I'm focusing on their ability to let us see into each other's hearts and souls... to connect in a way that is unique to our eyes... They're like direct channels of connection. We don't even have to see a person's eyes to know they're looking at us from across a field. Even if they're wearing sunglasses, we just know when we're being observed. A connection is felt at a level … [Read more...]
September 12, 2013 by Leave a Comment
Bridges of sacred energy between Earth and Sky... Trees have always held a prominent place in spirituality from ages past, one of the best known being the Tree of Life. They are firmly rooted into Mother Earth and extend their limbs high up into Father Sky. They're like bridges between the worlds of the physical and spirit. A Red Pine tree once taught me that they radiate immensely healing energy because they're channels of the sacred energy that flows between the two worlds and … [Read more...]