Nature is ever-changing. Every day offers something completely new... There's a different sky, different weather combinations, different nuances to the environment, different sounds... Changes are always in motion... There are different seasons, different cycles of the moon, different phases with day and night, the tides flow in and recede, the humidity of the air fluctuates... Nothing is ever boring or repeated in Nature. Change is a natural and crucial part … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Purposeful life and death... The cycles of life are so obvious in Nature and change is a daily occurrence. It's obvious in natural environments that nothing exists without purpose... Even death has great purpose... During one of many glorious hikes at over 6,000 feet in elevation in Yosemite Nat'l Park, a constant drumming sound echoed throughout the forest... Looking way up at this dead tree, I discovered the drummer - a pileated woodpecker, perched near the top, carving a circular … [Read more...]
I love knowing that Mother Earth is continuously recreating and transforming herself right along with us... Sometimes it's subtle, other times quite dramatic!... When we desire something different, letting go of what ties us to the old energy makes space for the new desired energy to replace it... Even small shifts can create big change... Everywhere we look in Nature, there are perfect examples of this... ♥ A small hermit crab outgrows its pretty shell and discards it for a more … [Read more...]
Embracing change is a wonderful thing!…
Change is not only normal in Nature but necessary for the well-being of any ecosystem, including our personal one. Observing Nature, we notice the different rhythms and cycles that keep the energy flowing in our world - outside ourselves and within. Ebbs and flows, rest and action, storm and calm, decomposition and creation, solitude and union, contraction and expansion,... It also keeps things so interesting!... How fortunate we are to be able to take a walk in the same trail, or … [Read more...]