What a very special Solstice this is, synchronized with the New Moon! :) Depending on which hemisphere you live in, you'll be welcoming the Winter or Summer season. Here in Alaska, the Winter Solstice officially occurs at 2:03pm and the New Moon is at 4:36pm, both on Sunday, Dec.21st (you can convert it to your own time zone here). The Winter Solstice, also traditionally known as "Yule", has been celebrated for thousands of years, especially in the northern … [Read more...]
Everyone wins!…
August 11, 2014 by Leave a Comment
According to dictionary(dot)com, “competition” can be defined as: "The act of competing, rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc." Yesterday's Full Moon felt very special to me and this was one of the reasons... It was the perfect day to do a ceremony in Nature, for a special contest I offered only to my e-newsletter subscribers. They had a chance to win a signed copy of my book Sacred Possibilities ! The contest was launched on the New Moon and yesterday was the big day for the … [Read more...]