When we're faced with what seems like adversity, it can be difficult to see any possible gifts within the situation! We feel like we've been catapulted outside of our comfort or security zones and we have no idea what the outcome will look like. It can test us on all levels and make us question everything. It's not easy to recognize that within the chaos, there is a reward - or many. What a reward looks like is unique to each of us, depending on our personal path. We all have … [Read more...]
The purposeful “mess” is miraculous…
Nature is such an invaluable, great teacher. It teaches us everything we need to know about life and our own paths, always supporting us when we allow ourselves to receive its wisdom. It teaches directly through messages or by using metaphors and analogies. I've been encountering many people who are experiencing challenges at this time, as they resist the call to step into more of their greatness. Challenges actually let us know that we're crossing the threshold of our comfort … [Read more...]
Soul family, twin flames and butterflies share this…
This Full Moon, also a "supermoon" day has been supercharged with lunar and celestial energy, which affects us on multiple levels. It inspired me to share what I've learned from personal experience and observation, especially this past decade... Energy is what enables you to find your desired partner - whether a soulmate, business relation or other. Energy is what enables us to find members of our soul family. Energy is also what allows butterflies to find the specific plants they require … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Winter's miraculous wonders... This gorgeous butterfly, known as a Milbert's tortoiseshell does something that is truly amazing for butterflies... It actually hibernates as an adult in Canada's freezing winter temperatures, by freezing completely!... Several species of this family of butterflies all do this... They find a sheltered location like a crevice in a tree, rock pile or buildings, to protect their fragile wings from the weather elements. Then they perch there and go dormant and … [Read more...]
Magnificent, long-distance-migrating butterfly... The gorgeous Monarch butterfly happens to be a master of flight and gliding... The eastern populations of southern Canada have begun their long migration south to central Mexico where they will overwinter until late February!... Migrations are incredible in themselves, never mind by a butterfly... What's even more amazing about these butterflies is that the generation that flies south in Autumn have never even been to the overwintering … [Read more...]
Life prevails against all odds in extraordinary ways... In Canada, and possibly in other countries that experience below freezing temperatures in the Winter season, certain species of butterflies known as "anglewings" (since they have particular angle-shaped wings) actually defy death by hibernating!... They are delicate butterflies like other species, yet they survive the harshest winters in their adult forms without dying. They find crevices to shelter themselves from the elements so … [Read more...]
Moths, although less conspicuous than their diurnal cousins, display intricate patterns, colours, shapes and humming flutters in the night... When the sun sets and the butterflies rest, moths take over their role as pollinators. They don't receive as much attention as the colourful, more obvious butterflies, but they can rival them with their unique charms. Many have wings that look like leaves and some wings are as large as a hand in wingspan. They also often look neutral in colour but … [Read more...]
A courageous little bird brought me to tears today... After leisurely enjoying the sights, sounds, aromas and textures of Pu'uhonua O Honaunau, I felt guided to spend some quiet time at the picnic area a short walk away by the ocean... Amazingly, for a Friday late afternoon and evening, the space was vacant! It felt like such a sacred space between two giant trees overlooking lava stones and the endless ocean!... Then I knew I was right where I was supposed to be when a beautiful … [Read more...]
Hiking along the beautiful lava coast at Pu'uhonua o Honaunau, I marvelled at how much plant life has not only sprouted, but is thriving on the hard lava stone...! The diversity of vegetation and colours against the black lava is truly spectacular... as are the butterflies that visited the flowers. I was so surprised and delighted to see a graceful Monarch butterfly glide around us - a species I'm familiar with in Canada that is very special to me. I had no idea that it also flourishes in … [Read more...]