Sweet plumeria... While I love all flowers, I've always especially loved the red hibiscus flower and orchids. Then during my stay on the Big Island of Hawai'i for a few months, this species of plumeria unexpectedly became my favourite flower on the island!... The tree itself is so pretty, with a gentle and loving energy. When I went on my sunrise hikes every morning, I coincided my water breaks to be in locations where these trees grew along the road and deeply inhaled the so lovely … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Our sacred garden in the universe... I just spent some time star-gazing... it's a cool and calm night with a crystal clear sky... so perfect, it's amazing that it's All Soul's Night and no snow... The stars, planets and Milky Way are so brilliant, it simply leaves me in absolute awe... So many things are just impossible to describe... not even photographs or words can capture how much those experiences move us at the level of our hearts and souls... We feel it within... Gazing up at … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Boundless, vibrant energy... We see examples of everything being energy all the time... However, having the opportunity to observe a red squirrel for just a short period is truly entertaining and amazing. It displays seemingly inexhaustible energy! (especially at this time when they're collecting food rations for the upcoming colder months) At any moment it bursts with super-speed, whether through the trees or on the ground... Ultimately, we all receive energy from the same … [Read more...]
Little miracles with big impacts... size doesn't matter! Some require an open mind and wonder for everything in existence to be fully appreciated… I’ve always seen the world with awe, and notice even the tiniest or most subtle things… When I lived at my last home for 2 years, I noticed this most peculiar, itty bitty winged being that suddenly showed up one day… I’d never seen one like that before and unless there was more than one, it had a surprising longevity!… Although it’s like a … [Read more...]
Relationships with Spirit and Nature... While relationships with fellow human beings are important and truly special, there is also something so sacred about our relationships beyond the human race. We're blessed to have such a diversity of relations. We have so many beings of Nature and Spirit co-existing with us in every imaginable form, all Divinely created like us. We're family and each other's teachers and allies. Developing harmonious relationships with them not only makes perfect … [Read more...]
The Divinely created glory of our natural environment on Mother Earth... It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful and diverse our glorious planet is with her environments... We live on such an exquisite tapestry of landscapes and waterscapes that weave seamlessly together and provide us with incredible support on so many levels, including energetically... Mountains, hills, cliffs, stone formations, valleys, abysses, fjords, oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, waterfalls, bogs, meadows, … [Read more...]
Awe-inspiring manifestations of Nature... There's always so many wonders to behold, and they are so visible in our natural world... Sometimes they are so diminutive and intricate that we have to be fully present and still to notice them. Sometimes they're so majestic and grand that we're captivated by these wonders that make us pause and simply be in that moment. Today I'm experiencing another glorious thunderstorm. This one is blessing us with an abundance of much needed … [Read more...]
Glorious light... We all feel invigorated by natural light - it reminds us of our own inner light,... that we are light ourselves. Light from the sun, light from fire, light from our eyes... it warms our hearts and touches our souls. It gives us life. It makes us feel vibrant and connected to all. Light is a visible expression of love energy... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Precious heart connections... Every time I make a beautiful heart connection, with a person or other being, I am so moved by the depth of love that connects us all - that Divine energy that enables us to transcend everything so we can truly connect heart to heart... Every connection made through love is such a blessing and I'm so grateful for each and every one that we have the privilege to experience every day... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]