Blissful BEing... At this time of the year especially, it's easy for people to burn out with the festivities... not to mention that lifestyles in general also demand that people do, do, do... and do some more... Taking a "time out" to simply BE... even if it's only 5 minutes, to simply focus on breathing and giving your mind a break, creates a shift in perspective, in energy, in space, allowing for greater awareness and possibilities to come into play... Nature demonstrates the dynamics … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Tree Beings, including the "Wise Ones"... While I greatly love ALL trees... when I encounter the "Wise Ones" that are so ancient compared with the lifespan of humans, I'm always left in awe... their energy is so tangible and vast... When we think about all the stories they hold from ages past... This one I'm hugging in the photograph is "Gog" near Glastonbury, UK... "Magog" also stands proudly beside it... Both are ancient Oak beings and are related with the legends of King … [Read more...]
Glorious trees and the "impossibilities" they make possible... I've met so many beautiful tree beings throughout my journey of life that leave me gazing at them with absolute awe. Sometimes I'm simply amazed by the seemingly impossible ways they've grown... like contortionists, magicians, master illusionists... they have created sculptures of themselves that defy all logic. The one in this photo is a magnificent Oak that I encountered in a park in Hamilton, Ontario with Laura … [Read more...]