Gifted surprises from the sky... It's a New Moon and this makes the stars, etc. that much more visible. Recently, the northern lights have been very bright and active. I woke up in the middle of the night and looked outside the bedroom window to see if I'd catch a glimpse of them... I saw the brightly shining stars and constellations that seemed so close and were so clear. No northern lights to be seen, however, within one minute I saw two gloriously big and bright falling stars shoot … [Read more...]
It's not a hummingbird... but just as endearing!... There's a wonderful family of moths known as hawk and sphinx moths that behave just like hummingbirds... The way they hover above flowers, fly up, down, backwards, forwards and feed with their long beak-like proboscis... Their wings beat so fast they're almost invisible... They're even the same size as hummingbirds. The one I captured at dusk this evening is known as a pink-spotted hawk moth. So beautiful! Nature is always full of … [Read more...]
Infinite possibilities... At every dawn, whether sunrise or every symbolic dawns of life, infinite possibilities await us... Every decision we make invites different possibilities to manifest... As the sun was rising this morning, glorious colours painted the clouds and sky, with a large flock of crows gathering nearby... Magick is in the air... full of possibilities... it's always there if we choose to experience it... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Resplendent colours of Autumn... While I love all the shades of green that dominate the Summer landscape, the fire colours of Autumn are such a beauty to behold as they radiate yellow, gold, red, burgundy, purple, orange, bronze, copper... simply glorious!... ♥ (Wishing you all a wonder-filled EQUINOX - Autumn for us in the north, Spring for you in the south!) With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Magnificent, long-distance-migrating butterfly... The gorgeous Monarch butterfly happens to be a master of flight and gliding... The eastern populations of southern Canada have begun their long migration south to central Mexico where they will overwinter until late February!... Migrations are incredible in themselves, never mind by a butterfly... What's even more amazing about these butterflies is that the generation that flies south in Autumn have never even been to the overwintering … [Read more...]
Wildlife as gardeners... This radiantly beautiful sunflower, the size of a little saucer, was planted by wildlife. It has grown beside a small pine tree. It's a mystery who exactly planted it and how, but the resulting surprise is simply glorious!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Creative inspirations... We're all creative in some way or other, no matter what our age... As children, we're natural creators of games, pictures, crafts, stories,... Our imagination is bold and free, so we're always open to inspiration and it flows beautifully... Creativity is part of our natural state of being. If you feel you've lost your creative inspiration over the years, think back to when you were a child and observe without judgement what inspired you, what brought you your … [Read more...]
Endless surprises of Nature!... Life truly delights in continuously surprising us with its wonders... I don't know about you, but the mushrooms known as 'puffballs' that I've seen are never larger than a golf ball. THIS one that I happened upon however... is GIANT!... It radiates its white colour in the sunlight like a beacon in the middle of the clearing where it grew. I couldn't help but exclaim wonder out loud. I never tire of discovering more of Nature's miracles... … [Read more...]
Divine creations with a high smile-inducing factor... There are certain beings in our world that, when we happen to encounter them, we just can't help but instantly smile and feel so joyful in their presence because they're sooooo endearing to us. There's just something about them that hugs our hearts!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]