Gifted surprises from the sky... It's a New Moon and this makes the stars, etc. that much more visible. Recently, the northern lights have been very bright and active. I woke up in the middle of the night and looked outside the bedroom window to see if I'd catch a glimpse of them... I saw the brightly shining stars and constellations that seemed so close and were so clear. No northern lights to be seen, however, within one minute I saw two gloriously big and bright falling stars shoot … [Read more...]
There's something so awe-inspiring about birds of prey... I love all birds, and different types invoke different emotions within me. When I encounter a bird of prey (including Eagles, Owls, Hawks, Vultures, Falcons - especially the larger of their species), I am simply in awe... Masters of the skies as they soar and hunt in silence, and of sight with greater perspective... They exhibit prowess, grace and balance of life between Earth and Sky. They invoke in me a special kind of respect … [Read more...]
So many wonders grace our world - the more we focus on them, the more of them we see and experience... I was in absolute awe when I arrived here on the Big Island of Hawaii five weeks ago... and my view was this glorious Jacaranda tree (seen from the Jacaranda suite of Home Heart Hawaii). I was used to seeing lilac bushes of beautiful colours of lavender, but this is a HUGE tree, making that much bigger of an impact!... you can see a picnic table and seat beneath its large branches (they … [Read more...]