Divinely created masterpieces... While everything created by the Divine is a glorious miracle that fills me with loving wonder and reverence, I discover particular creations at times that seem to burst with artistic joy!... When I first discovered this Green Darner dragonfly (in my former urban backyard of gardens)... I was in absolute awe!... Not only is its size of 4 inches from wing tip to wing tip very impressive, but the colour combinations are so striking and bedazzling! This one … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The dance of the seasonal cycles... The Winter Solstice arrives at 11:11 am CST in the northern hemisphere in my time zone tomorrow, December 21st! Talk about an incredible portal opening up for the new season!... I will be limiting my time online tomorrow, to be fully present to that significant day. In celebration of the changing seasons I'm sharing a poem I wrote in 2010 for my first book "Mending Mother Earth with Native Plants". May the new season bring you more wonders, beauty and … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Boundless, vibrant energy... We see examples of everything being energy all the time... However, having the opportunity to observe a red squirrel for just a short period is truly entertaining and amazing. It displays seemingly inexhaustible energy! (especially at this time when they're collecting food rations for the upcoming colder months) At any moment it bursts with super-speed, whether through the trees or on the ground... Ultimately, we all receive energy from the same … [Read more...]
It's not a hummingbird... but just as endearing!... There's a wonderful family of moths known as hawk and sphinx moths that behave just like hummingbirds... The way they hover above flowers, fly up, down, backwards, forwards and feed with their long beak-like proboscis... Their wings beat so fast they're almost invisible... They're even the same size as hummingbirds. The one I captured at dusk this evening is known as a pink-spotted hawk moth. So beautiful! Nature is always full of … [Read more...]
Endless surprises of Nature!... Life truly delights in continuously surprising us with its wonders... I don't know about you, but the mushrooms known as 'puffballs' that I've seen are never larger than a golf ball. THIS one that I happened upon however... is GIANT!... It radiates its white colour in the sunlight like a beacon in the middle of the clearing where it grew. I couldn't help but exclaim wonder out loud. I never tire of discovering more of Nature's miracles... … [Read more...]
Glorious trees and the "impossibilities" they make possible... I've met so many beautiful tree beings throughout my journey of life that leave me gazing at them with absolute awe. Sometimes I'm simply amazed by the seemingly impossible ways they've grown... like contortionists, magicians, master illusionists... they have created sculptures of themselves that defy all logic. The one in this photo is a magnificent Oak that I encountered in a park in Hamilton, Ontario with Laura … [Read more...]
Awe-inspiring manifestations of Nature... There's always so many wonders to behold, and they are so visible in our natural world... Sometimes they are so diminutive and intricate that we have to be fully present and still to notice them. Sometimes they're so majestic and grand that we're captivated by these wonders that make us pause and simply be in that moment. Today I'm experiencing another glorious thunderstorm. This one is blessing us with an abundance of much needed … [Read more...]
The gloriously majestic beings we know as Mountains... I'm always left in absolute awe in the presence of mountains, whether on ground level or above in the sky... They command such a strong presence with powerful energies. Every range or group has its own energy and many mountains also display powerfully unique energy of their own as individuals. They bridge Earth and Sky, the mundane and the spiritual, in magnificent ways. They facilitate the communion with the realm of Spirit and all … [Read more...]
The JOY of beauty and rare encounters... Walking in a trail and feeling loving appreciation for all the beauty that surrounds me, I came upon a cluster of three "blue flags", an uncommon type of gorgeous wild iris in this area. They look so regal at the edge of the woods. What a gift to encounter such rarities. We never know what beauty awaits our discovery... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
I so LOVE sharing the wonders of our world with you... and there's always new ones to discover and share!... These two natural phenomenons were previously unknown to me until I saw photographs in art galleries and on postcards (like the ones I'm sharing in the photograph) found in Kona, Hawai'i. This particular tornado on the postcard was formed by Kilauea volcanic lava entering the ocean and creating its own weather system on the island of Hawai'i. I even saw a photograph in a gallery … [Read more...]