I'm always fascinated by how well many animals blend in perfectly with their surroundings!... It's only when they move that we suddenly see that tree bark, stone, coral, moss, branch, leaf, flower, etc... come to life into a completely different life form than we previously perceived! I felt so privileged to see this beautiful, small Black-Crowned Night Heron calmly fishing in a "royal pond" late afternoon (not at night or early morning as is its usual behavior!). It saw me but kept … [Read more...]
A courageous little bird brought me to tears today... After leisurely enjoying the sights, sounds, aromas and textures of Pu'uhonua O Honaunau, I felt guided to spend some quiet time at the picnic area a short walk away by the ocean... Amazingly, for a Friday late afternoon and evening, the space was vacant! It felt like such a sacred space between two giant trees overlooking lava stones and the endless ocean!... Then I knew I was right where I was supposed to be when a beautiful … [Read more...]
There's always so many to choose from!... but the one I chose to feature today is so fun to share for its particular qualities... Intricate air bubbles captured permanently in hard lava stone, and radiant sunset colours captured in a delicate Plumeria blossom... what delightfully Divine works of art!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Rain blessed the land and Plant Beings in abundance this morning. It was so delightful to hear the soothing rainfall along with the bird songs and cicadas. Everything looks so vibrant and the air smells so fresh! Regardless how we obtain our water for everyday living, it is such an invaluable, precious element for life! Our bodies, like Earth, are mostly made of water. Regardless what our beverage of preference is, it wouldn't exist without water (and neither would we). Think about how … [Read more...]
This is an obvious and Divine ✿ Nature Teaching ✿... Within every seed of life, there's everything required to create the most glorious blossoming plants, majestic trees, beautiful animals of incredible diversity and divinely loving humans... The question is... do we allow ourselves to blossom into our fullest potential, like our global kin who don't have the freedom of choice that we have?... If we all allowed our heart seeds to lead our growth, what would we discover about who we … [Read more...]
Embracing change is a wonderful thing!…
Change is not only normal in Nature but necessary for the well-being of any ecosystem, including our personal one. Observing Nature, we notice the different rhythms and cycles that keep the energy flowing in our world - outside ourselves and within. Ebbs and flows, rest and action, storm and calm, decomposition and creation, solitude and union, contraction and expansion,... It also keeps things so interesting!... How fortunate we are to be able to take a walk in the same trail, or … [Read more...]
~ ♥ ~ HAPPY EARTH DAY! ~ ♥ ~
I wish you a glorious Earth Day... and invite you to make every day "Earth Day" - she provides us with everything we have! ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
When you think you’ve seen it all… look again!…
It's so easy to overlook things in our environment that we get used to seeing. We might see the same species of birds, mammals or trees and not really notice them anymore since they're no longer a novelty... I tend to do that in urban areas, but when I'm out in Nature, I always see things with wonder - as if seeing them for the first time. Even if I've seen Chickadees, Oaks, Clover, the Moon, the Sunset, or Stars thousands of times, I still delight in every one I see. Having this … [Read more...]
The Universe LOVES to fill voids!…
If you find yourself desiring something new, or an upgrade on something you already have, here's a wonderful tip for you... The Universe LOVES to fill voids! It's a natural phenomenon that we can use to our advantage... To see this in action, simply look at Nature. Anyone who gardens or maintains a landscape knows that if we just let things go, pretty soon there's no space left. Everything becomes grown-in surprisingly quickly... After a large tree falls or a forest fire, it … [Read more...]