Moths, although less conspicuous than their diurnal cousins, display intricate patterns, colours, shapes and humming flutters in the night... When the sun sets and the butterflies rest, moths take over their role as pollinators. They don't receive as much attention as the colourful, more obvious butterflies, but they can rival them with their unique charms. Many have wings that look like leaves and some wings are as large as a hand in wingspan. They also often look neutral in colour but … [Read more...]
Hidden opportunities to experience more of our world's glorious wonders... I was woken up at 5am this morning by a buzzing mosquito, which isn't the greatest way to wake up!... BUT... when I saw the time, I looked outside at the lake and the sunrise was beckoning me... Mist was billowing over the mirror surface of Royal Lake and the sun was radiant with fire colours... My entire family reunited from out of province to celebrate our mom's milestone birthday, and spending a few … [Read more...]
The ever-changing sky... when we look up, we never know what we'll see... or experience!... I had an interesting experience a few days ago... I was waiting outside in a public place on the island of Hawai'i, and since my surroundings weren't very interesting, I gazed up at the sky above me. There were many puffy white clouds dancing in the bright blue sky, changing forms and merging and separating... Different birds flew across my field of vision... The sun's rays played with the … [Read more...]
Treasures are found in the most unexpected places... I love that no matter where we are, there are always treasures to be found... it's all a matter of how we view our world. Whether in beings, things or experiences, there's always something precious that can be discovered. This photo is of a lava stone on a beach at Kealakekua Bay. It sparkles with a crystal known as olivine (or peridot when it's considered gem quality). It's so amazing to see these green crystals in so much of the … [Read more...]
One of the greatest compliments we can receive as humans is animals feeling good around us - in our energy... If they're domestic animals, they actually seek to be in our presence, and if they're wild animals, they continue their activities without feeling threatened by us. Animals are extremely sensitive to energy and can sense from afar if ours is harmonious with theirs... and if not, they leave... but if they feel our energy is aligned with theirs (and Nature), they stay... and might … [Read more...]
The incredible and beautiful diversity of wildlife that share our world with us never ceases to amaze and delight me!... This gorgeous chameleon made a surprise appearance under the second floor lanai of Home Heart Hawaii, on the Big Island! I couldn't stop smiling admiringly as I watched it move ever so carefully, one grasping hand and foot at a time, as it eyed its observers with cautious curiosity. It was so endearing!... and such a joy to share with fellow-admirers Eva and … [Read more...]
Our wonderful feet were designed to receive Mother Earth's healing energy with every step... a divinely created relationship to maintain our well-being... (logically, it makes sense!... footwear with synthetic soles are a recent invention) Our feet's soles are like maps of our bodies which perspire continuously, filled with nerve endings and receptors. Water makes an exceptional conduit of energy (hence feet perspiration being genius). When our bare feet make contact with natural ground, … [Read more...]
We just never know who might be co-existing with us in our environment, regardless where we are!... I was quite surprised to encounter this pretty snail this morning, just a few yards away from the lanai door. I hadn't seen one yet on the Big Island and this one was SO obvious, approximately the size of a Brazil nut in the middle of my path! I love spirals and so this little being's shell (in which it was hiding when I discovered it) was a delight to behold... Who might be sharing your … [Read more...]
Every moment alive is sacred, with the potential to be an extraordinary experience and lesson... depending on our perspective and attitude... each choice we make affects the quality of our life and that of others... We're all powerful teachers to each other by example... by honouring who we are... every single being in our world and beyond, human and otherwise, is a teacher... When you look at this photo I'm sharing today, what teaching do you receive from the shining sun, the clouds, … [Read more...]