It's not a hummingbird... but just as endearing!... There's a wonderful family of moths known as hawk and sphinx moths that behave just like hummingbirds... The way they hover above flowers, fly up, down, backwards, forwards and feed with their long beak-like proboscis... Their wings beat so fast they're almost invisible... They're even the same size as hummingbirds. The one I captured at dusk this evening is known as a pink-spotted hawk moth. So beautiful! Nature is always full of … [Read more...]
Infinite possibilities... At every dawn, whether sunrise or every symbolic dawns of life, infinite possibilities await us... Every decision we make invites different possibilities to manifest... As the sun was rising this morning, glorious colours painted the clouds and sky, with a large flock of crows gathering nearby... Magick is in the air... full of possibilities... it's always there if we choose to experience it... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Divine creations with a high smile-inducing factor... There are certain beings in our world that, when we happen to encounter them, we just can't help but instantly smile and feel so joyful in their presence because they're sooooo endearing to us. There's just something about them that hugs our hearts!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Nature's delightful nocturnal symphony... I love Nature's symphonies at all times, including the song birds during the day... There's something so uplifting with them all - notes of joyfulness that proclaim the pure essence of every being that sings and calls out. I find that the nocturnal symphony, beginning with the sunset, is so delightful since there's less for our eyes to see with the darkness. It seems that our sense of hearing receives much more nuances of the different notes … [Read more...]
B-E-A-U-T-Y... When we pause and look around us and within us... there is so much beauty that permeates everywhere, always here and there available to be perceived and received... Today I honour the beauty that resides within me, within each of you, within our environments and beyond into infinity... what we see on the outside is a reflection of the love that flows throughout... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
The JOY of beauty and rare encounters... Walking in a trail and feeling loving appreciation for all the beauty that surrounds me, I came upon a cluster of three "blue flags", an uncommon type of gorgeous wild iris in this area. They look so regal at the edge of the woods. What a gift to encounter such rarities. We never know what beauty awaits our discovery... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Nature abounds with miracles of all forms (and some are formless!)... All we need to do is look around us, and miracles surround us! ... I'm featuring a photo I took of a beautiful monarch butterfly within its chrysalis. It's the mature stage which is why we can see the butterfly, perfectly formed, through its casing that is now clear instead of opaque green. Soon it will emerge and fly as a graceful butterfly!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]