Sculptures of resilience in Nature... This is one of the many Giant Sequoia tree beings that I encountered high up in Yosemite Nat'l Park at he Mariposa Grove... What struck me about this one, along with many others, was the scarring on its immense body, created with forest fires and self-healing of its bark... The largest of these trees are more than 2,000 years old and on average, it's said that there's a forest fire every 20 years... so imagine how many fires these trees endure and … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The season dances into a new one today!... For those of us in the northern hemisphere, Spring officially arrives today... for those of the southern hemisphere, Autumn officially arrives today... I wish you a wonderful Equinox wherever you are! For me, it felt like Spring arrived on March 3rd when I landed in California and experienced the glorious landscape and wildlife (including the song of robins by day and frogs by night) in the Yosemite Nat'l Park area where I was for 2 glorious … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Magickal New Moon Day to you!... ((( ))) I felt this would be the perfect day to announce that starting Monday, I'm taking the next 2 weeks completely OFF from computers and phones (yes!) and fully immersing myself in Nature at Yosemite Nat'l Park to connect with the pristine forests of Redwoods, Giant Sequoias and other natural wonders there! It's going to be soooo DIVINE!... It's now time for me to fully recharge so I'll be ready for my book's launch. Since I can't give a date yet, I'm … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Love-green orb and northern lights... Ah, the beautiful and mysterious (or not so mysterious) orbs that appear around us, usually visible only through a camera but can also be seen without at times... I don't typically carry my camera with me in Nature, but two days ago I brought it to take a photo of a newly sprouted little leaf I noticed in a trail... I also felt guided to just take 'random' photos of the forest, with no particular focus in mind, so I did... When I looked at my … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Life bursts forth!... Regardless of anything... life always prevails in the most miraculous ways!... and today I was reminded of this once again... During my Nature hike today, it felt SO NICE to not have to wear a scarf around my face, and to experience a day that feels more like Spring than Winter!... As I walked through the snowbound trails, I noticed the most amazing surprise... Despite having experienced the coldest Winter season in 100 years (with incessant storms every few … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Bird love is in the air!... Ahhhh... I so truly love hearing the love songs of Nature! Just these past couple of days, the endearing Black-Capped Chickadees have started singing their mating calls!... These cheerful little birds spend the whole year in central Canada, weathering the most intense cold of winter!... and amazingly, they begin to call out for mates as early as February, still in the middle of winter! Their clear notes that echo on the winter landscape as they sing to … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Absence enhances the experience... It was an overcast day all day... Then just as I stepped outside for a Nature walk, the sun appeared at the horizon below the blanket of clouds and my oh my did it look even more radiant!!!... A blazing orange colour with pink hues... bathing the trees in a golden light... (interestingly, the camera didn't capture the sun's colours) Every experience we perceive with our physical and spiritual senses, as well as our mind and emotions, becomes … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Miracles... When we have an awareness of Nature in a way that we truly see it for what it is... it's apparent that miracles are a natural part of life and not something that manifests once in a while... When we see the divinity in all life, we recognize miracles EVERYWHERE... including in the mirror... Every second of our life we experience and witness miracles, from the subtle to the extraordinary, and every one is just as glorious in its own right... Every blade of grass, every … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Pure light's radiant colours!... Sooooo many Rainbows are showing up every day in the most unusual ways and places... and I love every single one of them! Many things light up my spirit - it honestly doesn't take much for me to feel bliss! Rainbows are always a sure one for me, and they seem to have that effect on many people also. Especially when people see a rainbow arching across the sky... I've seen many stop what they're doing just to be fully present with it... it's … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sacred connections with human souls... I talk a lot about sacred connections with beings of Nature and Spirit on a regular basis... Today I'm featuring sacred connections with our human family... It's always such a blessing for me to connect at the heart and soul level with people. Yesterday I had the pleasure of connecting on a live interview with my dear soul sister Lori A Andrus on the Full Moon, and I'm celebrating our beautiful connection as an example of what's possible for us … [Read more...]