If you've ever desired or envisioned something, or received an inspiration to create something, but you've stopped yourself from attempting to manifest it due to your own self-limiting beliefs or due to being told by others that you're a dreamer, it's crazy or impossible - may this video inspire and empower you! Join me and Bumblebee in a beautiful garden of wildflowers on the mountainous hillside of Anchorage, Alaska (special thanks to my soul sister Amber!). I also share a … [Read more...]
6-LEAF CLOVER teaches: Dream Bigger Than Big! [video]…
September 11, 2016 by Leave a Comment
As the sacred union between limitless Spirit and miraculous Nature, we, as human beings, are meant to experience the magnificent, the magickal, the miraculous - everything that defies logic, every day in our everyday life! It's living life in alignment with our divine, true nature. One of my favourite quotes, by Elbert Hubbard, beautifully expresses this: "The supernatural is the natural not yet understood.". It's so true! The more light-hearted and playful we are about our desires, the … [Read more...]