Ancient symbol of the heart... Love was soooo palpable as everyone around the world welcomed the new year!... When I was in Hawaii for 3 months last year, something peculiar happened to me... I woke up one morning in June with a perfect hexagon mark on my index finger!... It looked like a birth mark but just appeared as though it was stamped there 'out of the blue'... During some research for my book, I unexpectedly discovered that the hexagon is an ancient symbol for the heart...! To … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The BEE... Without the wonderful little beings that we know as bees, our world wouldn't be the one we know... They pollinate so many plants that produce our food, herbs and medicinal plants, it would be a sad world indeed without these hard workers... They are also alchemists... producing honey from nectar... what the ancient Greeks called the "food of the gods"... They are also amazing engineers, using sacred geometry to create the cells of their hives in the form of … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Ancient symbols of sacred geometry... I never understood numerical sciences in school, however when I discovered sacred geometry years ago, that ignited me in a way that I hadn't imagined... It's the numerical language of creation, and examples are found throughout Nature, including our own bodies (Leonardo da Vinci demonstrated this along with many other geniuses). Common sacred geometry symbols found in Nature are the spiral and the hexagon... When I was in Hawaii I woke up one … [Read more...]