Sacred seeds that become life as we know it... It's truly amazing-beyond-words to think that such small seeds, from the microscopic to the ping-pong ball sized, contain everything to become magnificent trees, vibrant plants, diverse animals, complex human beings... Truly one of life's greatest magick and miracles... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Glorious trees and the "impossibilities" they make possible... I've met so many beautiful tree beings throughout my journey of life that leave me gazing at them with absolute awe. Sometimes I'm simply amazed by the seemingly impossible ways they've grown... like contortionists, magicians, master illusionists... they have created sculptures of themselves that defy all logic. The one in this photo is a magnificent Oak that I encountered in a park in Hamilton, Ontario with Laura … [Read more...]
I so LOVE sharing the wonders of our world with you... and there's always new ones to discover and share!... These two natural phenomenons were previously unknown to me until I saw photographs in art galleries and on postcards (like the ones I'm sharing in the photograph) found in Kona, Hawai'i. This particular tornado on the postcard was formed by Kilauea volcanic lava entering the ocean and creating its own weather system on the island of Hawai'i. I even saw a photograph in a gallery … [Read more...]
Every life form is sacred, regardless of our perspective. Each has a divine purpose and how we perceive each other is a very individual, personal thing... What one considers ugly, another considers beautiful... What one considers too wild, another considers inspiring... What one considers plain, another considers exceptional... What one considers amazing, another considers repulsive... What one considers perfect, another considers defective... We all have unique perspectives and … [Read more...]