Since my focus remains primarily on the completion of “Sacred Possibilities” book 2, Spirit and Nature have limited the inspiration I require, to co-create new Sacred Earth Connection videos (each one is a process that takes a lot of time!). But since I really enjoy the co-creative process, I was overjoyed to receive inspiration for this timely new video! It even allowed me to finally use various, beautiful video footage of trees from my Nature hikes in Alaska and California since 2015, … [Read more...]
PORCUPINE teaches: Wisely Defend What Is Sacred [video]…
Life is full of unexpected journeys, on all levels of who we are as human beings and as part of this beautiful world of Mother Earth! This year, I ended up spending the summer in Alaska with my husband Michael, due to his terminally ill father. We had no idea we'd be staying almost 3 months, but received incredible, divine blessings with the surprise timing, by answering the call as soon as Alaska lifted some of its restrictions to travelers in early June (put in place in response to the … [Read more...]
BUMBLEBEES teach: Absolutely Anything is Possible! [video]…
If you've ever desired or envisioned something, or received an inspiration to create something, but you've stopped yourself from attempting to manifest it due to your own self-limiting beliefs or due to being told by others that you're a dreamer, it's crazy or impossible - may this video inspire and empower you! Join me and Bumblebee in a beautiful garden of wildflowers on the mountainous hillside of Anchorage, Alaska (special thanks to my soul sister Amber!). I also share a … [Read more...]
DRAGONFLY teaches: Claiming YOUR Truth is Key [video]…
If you desire to live a truly empowered and fulfilling life, one of the greatest things you must do for yourself is to clarify, know and claim your own truth. Without knowing your personal truth, you don't live your own life, but are continuously living a life based on others' truths instead. Dragonfly is a truly magickal teacher in its two forms of life (water nymph and winged dragonfly), revealing a process that allows you to discover, clarify and strengthen your … [Read more...]
DANDELIONS teach: Live Empowered, not Suppressed… [video]…
If there's any part of you that you don't express, since it's different (would make you stand out) and might trigger judgement, criticism or other forms of disapproval, may this video inspire and empower you... Suppression has unfortunately been a part of life ever since certain individuals decided that it was best to control the behavior of societies, based on what they personally deemed to be "normal", "acceptable" and "proper" conduct. Suppression has infiltrated our way of life throughout … [Read more...]
The fascinating divine “language” of creation…
Throughout Nature, we see evidence of a divine "language" that creates everything. While divine love is the ultimate creator, sacred geometry is a visible form that creates divine patterns throughout life. These patterns of creation repeat themselves in such unexpected, beautiful, incredible and fascinating ways throughout all forms of life. I'm used to seeing the spiral, the hexagon, the branch, the pentagon and other patterns. But when I was quietly sitting with a beautiful large … [Read more...]
“DEVIL’S CLUBS” teach: Beauty or Beast? Wisdom [video]…
Have you ever had the experience of suddenly noticing something for the first time, even though you've looked at that person, animal, plant or environment countless times before? It's as if you suddenly no longer have blinders on, and you can truly see? We all have our own unique filters of perception. Our filters are continuously shifting with our personal growth and experiences. Everything we experience through our senses is automatically analyzed and judged, based on our conditioning … [Read more...]
PINECONES teach: Powerful Truth of our Desires [video]…
As human beings we have the ability to look back on our life experiences. This can be such a gift when we do so with awareness, for we're able to discover patterns, "connect the dots" and see things from a greater perspective. We can see how much we've personally transformed, evolved, and experienced. It can also assist us in living more consciously in the present moment... When we see the impact that every decision we've made, has had on the rest of our lives, we also become aware of how … [Read more...]
LANDSCAPES teach: Their Calls offer Benefits [video]…
Have you ever wondered why you gravitate towards certain landscapes while you don't seem to notice others at all? Or perhaps a landscape that never interested you before suddenly feels like you just have to go there? Each of us has a unique path to live, with many allies supporting us along our journey of life. Some of these allies can have the form of landscapes. Each type of landscape offers its own combination of energies to support us. Whether we notice these invitations and … [Read more...]