Divine timing - it always amazes me, time and time again! I ended up having a wonderful and unexpected late evening conversation with a Soul Sis who lives in Hawai'i... over one hour later, another Soul Sis I'm fortunate to have as a neighbour delivered my mail (this was an unusually late delivery). Imagine my surprise when I noticed a special package from Hawai'i - from Eva Annaluna whom I was still chatting with on the phone!!! What was hilarious is that we'd even been … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 20 of 33)
Soaring on the magick carpet of Intuitive Guidance...! It's such a gift that we all have. Everything just FLOWS when I hand over the navigation to my intuition and give my mind a rest... The rewards of using our higher senses are always so "WOW!"!... I felt today was THE day to change as much as I could to my new legal name Lucille DancingWind, since I received my new driver's licence yesterday (as a photo id, it all starts from there!). I wanted to get to the passport office … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 19 of 33)
At one point today I was thinking about all the ways that Spirit communicates with us every day - they are so abundant and creative! While in the past people were well versed in using their other senses and reading Nature, nowadays we also spend a lot of time away from Nature and primarily focused on sight and hearing... and so numbers, songs, printed material, images, everything man-made has also become a means for Spirit to communicate to us... and numbers are a favourite! As I thought … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 18 of 33)
Do you see the wonderful Tree Spirit in this photo?... While I was having a great conversation with a dear Soul Sister, we ended up on the subject of Nature Spirits and the Elemental realm... Well, this beautiful Crab Apple tree is across from the picture window and I've looked at it hundreds of times and never saw a face in its trunk... until during that conversation today!... All of a sudden, it popped out at me so clearly, like a confirmation of what we were discussing!... the … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 12 of 33)
(posted January 22nd on Facebook) Interconnectedness... Although I'm fully aware that everything and everyone is connected, it always delights me to see the evidence of this! I experience it every day (as I'm sure all of you do!) and today was no exception... The best examples... A Soul Sister emailed me about something I was thinking about, and even included a link that ended up being exactly what I'd envisioned (and she didn't even know about my thoughts - totally intuitive!)... … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 11 of 33)
(posted January 21st on Facebook) Glorious, life-giving WATER...! I woke up this morning - NO water!... I always start my day with lots of water - to drink and shower with. I have good well water in the country which I greatly appreciate. Well, it's been very cold here and last night a pipe froze!... but thankfully it was just a matter of getting it to thaw since it didn't burst (unless it was something underground that wasn't visible). Early evening I went for my Nature hike and … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 10 of 33)
(posted January 20th on Facebook) Experiencing and witnessing "in the flow where everything is possible" is my favourite state of being!... Having to buy a new computer now (off warranty) was NOT expected, but the chain of "wow" that led to my perfect-for-me purchase made it obvious it was to be. I arrived at the store and found a perfect parking spot on an extremely cold day (appreciated!)... I picked up my old laptop and the technician didn't charge me a single thing, not even the … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 8 of 33)
(posted January 18th on Facebook) When my dear Soul Sister Lori launched her beautiful new collections of jewellery, I absolutely fell in love with the "Elemental Magic" necklace in the "Magical Journey" collection!... but I didn't tell anyone. (obviously 'my' Elementals knew though!) Today... I received a surprise package in the mail... from HER... and it was... THE NECKLACE!!! WOW... what a so special gift to receive! I'm so touched... so many amazing synchronicities and … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 4 of 33)
(posted January 14th on Facebook) My journey to the city today was hugged between miracles... On my way, I decided I had enough fuel to make it to a full service station an hour away near the city to take advantage of my fuel discount card from Suzuki... well... I was running on empty for the last stretch of it (!)... BUT... I did make it to the fuel station and as I stopped at the pump, I noticed 9:33am on my car's clock (33 is very significant to me)! Then on my way back the sun was … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 3 of 33)
(posted January 13th on Facebook) Miracles to me are not just the fantastical, seemingly impossible manifesting... They are expressions of the Divinity of life... they can be grand or subtle,... experiences that move my soul, touch my heart, inspire wonder, leave me in awe,... miracles are life every day... A series of synchronicities led me to this video today, and it so moved me (to see the focus being on uplifting, love-centered actions), this is my featured "miracle of the day" that … [Read more...]