
Share your beautiful Nature & Spirit ♥ Love Hearts ♥

Do you know how dearly loved and supported you are? When we open our hearts to love, we allow for greater connections and sacred relationship with all forms of life. These beautiful beings of Nature and Spirit (including Mother Earth and Elementals) often respond to our open, loving hearts by showing signs of love to us, as heart symbols throughout Nature and other environments.     Regardless where I’ve traveled on our glorious Mother Earth, I’ve received hearts of … [Read more...]

NATURE teaches: Personal Filters are Limiting [video]…

Whether you're conscious of it or not, you have personal filters that are unique to you, and dictate how you perceive everything in life. No one else experiences life the way you do.  Our personal filters are most apparent when we interact with other people - especially in a group where we've experienced something together, and when we discuss it afterwards, we each have different details that stood out for us. Our filters make certain things prominent for us in an experience, while other … [Read more...]

Our divine gift of sacred co-creation with Nature & Spirit…

Have you ever experienced desiring something from your heart and you received exactly what you desired (or something even better)? Or have you ever had a sudden inquiry in your mind about something and the answer showed up for you in an unexpected way shortly after? Or have you ever wondered about a decision you needed to make and you received a clear form of guidance that felt divinely timed or orchestrated?  This is something that I used to experience sporadically in my younger years and it … [Read more...]

Do you see the “cosmic winks” on your journey?…

A "frosty" rainbow's appearance was impeccable timing on Sunday!... Do you recognize Spirit's "cosmic winks" when they show up in your life? A while ago I had posted on Facebook about how truly amazed I was by the number of rainbows I've seen here in Alaska since May. Most have been in the city of Anchorage - and this is just counting the arching rainbows that form in the sky and "touch" the land. So many manifested since my arrival, that I can say I've seen more here in half a year … [Read more...]

The power of love is beyond logic…

By nature, we are love. We're also miracles.  Science can state the facts of observation, but in the end, only divine love creates and explains the miraculous. Science can't explain how two microscopic cells that unite, transform into countless forms of life, including human beings. They simply do, and divine love makes it possible -  it makes anything and everything possible. When we recognize the miraculous in ourselves and in the environments that surround us, we can begin to grasp … [Read more...]

Resources for interpreting your soul language (personal essence signs)…

This has been such a prominent inquiry this past week, that I've decided to post a reference here (as I'm sure many more are wondering the same thing!). I thank all of you who have asked so that this may serve many more. So how do you interpret the significance or meaning of your personal essence signs and language? What does a sign mean for you when you receive it?  What is its message? It's important to keep in mind that we're all so unique, and therefore every sign can mean … [Read more...]

Receiving guidance in unexpected ways…

Being of Spirit and Nature makes life here on Mother Earth so multidimensional!  It's our trust in ourselves and the divinity of life that enable us to experience all that we've come here to experience, as well as to persevere through the challenges. When we open ourselves to trusting our higher guidance (even if it defies logic), we notice how life is always aware of  us and assisting us. We notice how much it supports us in so many ways, through personal essence (soul) signs, spirit … [Read more...]

Spirit messages guide us through life…

Life is divinely supportive at every moment. It communicates with us all the time, providing guidance on our journeys in life. The question is whether we're paying attention or not... or know how to recognize these personal messages. We all have our own unique way of perceiving the world based on our personal "filters" of experiences. We also have our own language of symbols. We recognize certain things that have meaning to us, which wouldn't mean anything to someone … [Read more...]

Rainbow-celebrating synchronicity…

Synchronicities and divinely timed signs are some of the most powerful manifestations on our paths. When we have the awareness to recognize them for what they are, they provide confirmation, guidance, encouragement and insights. They remind us that life is always fully aware of us and supporting us. We're all connected and never alone. We all have special signs that are part of our unique soul language. While they don't mean anything to others, they do mean something to us. One of my … [Read more...]

♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Pure light's radiant colours!... Sooooo many Rainbows are showing up every day in the most unusual ways and places... and I love every single one of them! Many things light up my spirit - it honestly doesn't take much for me to feel bliss! Rainbows are always a sure one for me, and they seem to have that effect on many people also. Especially when people see a rainbow arching across the sky... I've seen many stop what they're doing just to be fully present with it... it's … [Read more...]