Many people feel wonder at the sight of a large and ancient tree, admiring his incredible size and beauty. His age sets him apart from the younger ones, for he displays so much character, serenity and strength. However, it's easy to disregard his very humble beginnings as a small seed. None of us can possibly imagine or know everything this giant went through to reach his impressive size and age, or to gain his great wisdom. Our own lifespans are but a fraction of this mighty being's. His … [Read more...]
Soul family, twin flames and butterflies share this…
This Full Moon, also a "supermoon" day has been supercharged with lunar and celestial energy, which affects us on multiple levels. It inspired me to share what I've learned from personal experience and observation, especially this past decade... Energy is what enables you to find your desired partner - whether a soulmate, business relation or other. Energy is what enables us to find members of our soul family. Energy is also what allows butterflies to find the specific plants they require … [Read more...]
Rainbow-light reminds us of our own divinity…
It's not uncommon to see people stopped on the side of a road to simply gaze in awe at a perfect, radiant rainbow arching across the sky. It's not often that something moves people enough to stop them for a moment from their hectic schedule, to simply enjoy the presence of such a beautiful sight. While it's probably very individual for each of us, rainbows definitely touch our hearts and spirits in a way that is unique to them. I personally feel that rainbows are the visible form of the … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Mother Earth, our celestial HOME... Tomorrow, April 22nd is known officially as "Earth Day". It's a beautiful gesture to take the time to pause and celebrate our magnificent home in the solar system and universe for one day. I feel that if every day we took the time to appreciate our planet for all that she provides for us daily, which "Earth Day" brings into our awareness, things would be different in our world, in a good way. People who are more mindful of their roles as stewards … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The beauty of mini wildlife!... I've always been one to notice the tiny wildlife among us, as much as the more noticeable larger wildlife. I find them all so endearing and fascinating. Magickal beauty of SNAILS The collection of photos I'm sharing with you is all SNAILS and they are absolutely magnificent and mesmerizing! What a celebration of those tiny little beings!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
This one little bird makes it officially spring for me!... Migrating birds are truly amazing. Like clockwork, they show up again in spring after a long winter. For years I would hear a robin begin to sing in my city backyard exactly on March 30. It always left me in wonder, at how precisely timed it was with returning to its northern range to raise a family!... The American robin has always been my "spring bird". To hear and see this beautiful songbird has always been my official sign … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Purposeful life and death... The cycles of life are so obvious in Nature and change is a daily occurrence. It's obvious in natural environments that nothing exists without purpose... Even death has great purpose... During one of many glorious hikes at over 6,000 feet in elevation in Yosemite Nat'l Park, a constant drumming sound echoed throughout the forest... Looking way up at this dead tree, I discovered the drummer - a pileated woodpecker, perched near the top, carving a circular … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sculptures of resilience in Nature... This is one of the many Giant Sequoia tree beings that I encountered high up in Yosemite Nat'l Park at he Mariposa Grove... What struck me about this one, along with many others, was the scarring on its immense body, created with forest fires and self-healing of its bark... The largest of these trees are more than 2,000 years old and on average, it's said that there's a forest fire every 20 years... so imagine how many fires these trees endure and … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
An entire grove resides in the palm of my hand!... When I was hiking through the Mariposa Grove in Yosemite National Park (California, USA), and encountered some of the oldest and largest Tree Beings in the world... I was left in absolute AWE to see how SMALL their pinecones are!!!... I've seen all types of pinecones, and just assumed that they were proportionate to the size of the tree... smaller trees have smaller pinecones and bigger ones produce big pinecones... Well, Nature never … [Read more...]